36 // i miss you - blink-182

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36 // i miss you – blink-182





so you’ve seen my texts with scott?

first of all, scott thought it was actually allison

hahaha no way

even when we sexted?

second of all, that part was absolutely gross

oh shut up

allison needed to watch gossip girl

third of all, i didn’t even realize it was actually you sexting until you said ‘piss off’ because allison had never told that to scott and i then realized it was actually you

well, i’m a unique person

fourth of all, scott went to take a shit twenty minutes ago


why are you telling me?

wait he was sexting me while taking a shit?

oh my goodness

so gross

fifth of all, he told me to continue the sexting bc he didn’t want to stop


are you saying what i think you’re saying

omfg nooooooo

sixth of all, we you and i were sexting.

oh my god


this can’t be real

you suck at sexting! no wonder you never got laid

who said i haven’t? ;)

oh, i know you haven’t

but still


i can’t believe that

wait did you continue with sexting even after you realize it was me?

stiles goddammit

answer to me

did you enjoy it

is that why you didn’t stop it


you’re gross

well, weren’t you sexting as well?

i hate you

i absolutely hate you

(and you suck at sexting) (ha) (i don’t) (cope with that)

(but i’m the hot drummer)

(but i’m the beautiful lead singer)

(it’s hard to get used to that tbh)

(i can’t really imagine you singing on a stage in front of a huge crowd)

(though i can imagine you singing in a bookstore or something cute like that)

(you belong with the term cute)

(are you trying to say you think i’m cute)


(aww) (thanks)

(i’m just stating the obvious)

(also why are we texting like this)


(we’re weird)

(this is kind of as if we’re whispering)

(did we just invent text whisper)


(wow) (nice) (you proud?)


(we’re a badass team, lyds)

(of course we are, stilinski)

(well, female part of this team, the male part has to go)

(that) (sounds) (extremely) (wrong)

(shut up)

(never, stilinski)

(always, love)

(are you buying me pads or what)


(‘always’ are pads)

(oh) (that’s not what i meant) (but it was a nice fact)

(are you going to leave or what?)

(maybe) (you never know)

(bye, drummer)

(bye, love)

// i'm sorry but this is my favourite chapter i've posted so far, okay? the stydia sexting...yes. absolutely. on the other hand, i've started watching the 100, already started planning a jasper fic and i am so not okay //

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