42 // hold back the river - james bay

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42 // hold back the river — james bay

good morning, lyds

piss off

it's ten

you needed to wake up at some point

yeah well i'd prefer if it was sometime closer to around...let me see...ten pm

oh come on

april's coming to an end, no more finals

screw it

i still have whole a lot of damn exams and everything and band practice and school and piano lessons and you and omfg kill me

you'll make it. just one more week

kill me

seriously though, i just want april to be over and continue with my 'fuck it' attitude towards school

no, you need to do your best. only three more days, to be precise

i know okay

thank god we don't have class today

why don't you have it?

bc some shit is happening at our school, therefore no school today

but i've still got to study for tomorrow


okay so mom just told me that she's going to take me phone away until april's over, and i also gotta go


good luck then, lyds

kick ass

always will



// all i'm gonna say is, wait for the following two chapters. //

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