04 // i'm just a kid - simple plan

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04 // i'm just a kid – simple plan

stilinski i have a question for your lazy ass

same here

what you have a question for your lazy ass?

no i have a question for your lazy ass

that's rude

no it's not bc you told me the same thing

yeah well i'm a fan

and you don't wanna lose a fan


anyway get to the point

so why are you talking to me? aren't you, like, afraid i'm gonna find some private info and tell everyone?

well i wouldn't tell you my private info


still haven't answered my question

bc i want to talk to my fans


no i just didn't get the impression you talk to other fans

well i don't really, bc they're either horny fangirls or don't talk to me

isaac has the most horny fangirls, then derek, then me, then scott

how the fuck is it possible that the hot lead singer is the last?

maybe bc of his jaw

it's uneven

like i give a damn

tell scotty boy he needn't worry bc he's got me

and my best friend is obsessed with him

that's nice. i'll let him know your best friend is obsessed with him

sure he'll love it

shut it, stilinski.

never, lyds



i'm hurt

my ass is hurt, love

fuck where did you go


// fyi i am getting married in a few months, y'all are invited to the wedding. my future husband looks like a mix of our dylans and he's literal perfection, look him up on youtube (jordan doww). i'm gonna be jamie dowodzenka! (that sounds terrifying) (also shoutout to ryan for listening to me rambling about him for hours) //

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