41 // sail - awolnation

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41 // sail — awolnation

you here?



dammit lyds haha

do you have some time?

sure, what for?


that sounds weird

i'm confused

do you have time to talk to me?

well i always do (duh)

no, i meant as if not doing anything else because i feel like we are always too busy to reply instantly to each other and such. like, we start our conservations in morning but end them at night. it just doesn't feel right

whoa rhyme there!

jk i know what you mean

i do have time, although i should be studying for my finals hahah

it's friday?

yeah, so?

i always need to be studying, bruh

well do you have time or not?

for you, always ;)

i'm not a fuckboy btw


so what are you doing?

checking the time

we've been talking for two minutes

it's our record

oh well, that's a good thing, right?


so what are you doing?

did you just copy my message?

yeah haha

you're so lazy omfg

but i'm doing absolutely nothing

i guess you could say i'm lazy too

why am i not surprised

bc you're never surprised

my heart genuinely hurts now

you hurt it

well i guess i just have to fix it then

are you flirting with me?


no haha i'm not

good bc that would be awkward

why would that be awkward? you have someone?

nah, i'm just awkward at flirting hahaha


that's good

what, me being awkward is good? bc nope it's not

i meant you not having anyone. that's good


bc i can't imagine you dating someone, honestly

jealous much?

actually, yeah. i kinda see you as my good friend meaning i want you to have the best and considering you live in canada i couldn't see if you have the best or not

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