58 // 18 - anarbor

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58 // 18 - anarbor

That night (or, technically, morning) they fell asleep at around six a.m. and woke up at three p.m., thanks to a very annoyed Isaac because, apparently, Stiles was supposed to take them all out for breakfast and he couldn't find him, so he was looking for Lydia's help. He came in knocking maniacally, managing to wake up the two (who were sprawled out across Lydia's bed with their limbs entangled).

It was a very awkward situation when they wake up and realized that, but Stiles got up immediately and opened the door.

Resulting in another awkward situation.

"Oh," Isaac said, before his lips twisted into a huge grin.

Stiles sighed. "It's not like that."

"Well, it sure as hell looks like that." Isaac motioned at Stiles' bed hair and everything around him (Stiles assumed that by that he meant the fact that he was in Lydia's room and it was three p.m. and he obviously stayed up late and he obviously just woke up – none of that worked in Stiles' favor). "But whatever you say, bro."

"Don't bro me."



"Morning, Isaac," they heard a soft voice say, the two boys turning around.

Here's a thing – Lydia Martin who had just woken up with horrible bad hair and rubbing her eyes might've just been the most amusing (and adorable) thing Stiles had ever witnessed.

He also had an urge to slap the door in Isaac's face and sing to Lydia for the rest of the day, but he couldn't really do it.

"Ya sure it's not like that?"

Stiles punched Isaac in the shoulder. "What are you even doing here?"

The tall boy shrugged, smiling at Lydia (just to annoy Stiles – he knew that; it was working). "You weren't at your room and I was hungry because you promised to get us all out for breakfast today."

"Oh, fuck, I forgot," Stiles muttered. "What about lunch?"

"I thought you said you were taking Lydia to Vallack Avenue park?"

Isaac, you sly dog from hell, Stiles thought. No, he hadn't said he was taking Lydia anywhere – but he did see where Isaac was coming from and what he was 'subtly' trying to tell him. But Stiles wasn't the one to be able to come up with amazing plans under great pressure.

Okay, that was a lie – he was great at that. He just didn't like to admit it.

"Yeah, I was only thinking about doing it before lunch. Though, since it's lunch time already, I guess we would be going out." Nice save, Stilinski.

He looked at Lydia, who seemed slightly distracted by something on Isaac – or maybe she was still half asleep. Her lips twitched slightly (to Stiles, it looked like she was trying to surprises a smile), and she blinked lazily, before her locking her eyes with Stiles'. They were looking at each other for a moment, and he could see Lydia's brain was trying to process the newly gained information about them going out – it was amusing.

She then nodded, telling it was fine with her. After exchanging a few small-chat sentences with Isaac, Lydia went back into the room while Stiles stayed and explained to Isaac what had happened with him and Lydia – and it wasn't really successful ("I'm not buying any of that shit, but I'll pretend I do because I'm tired of listening to your shitty lame excuses as to why you haven't kissed her yet.").

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