47 // robbers - the 1975

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47 // robbers — the 1975

i fucking have to wash dishes every day




i feel bad for you

plus she's gonna take my phone away


she thinks i'm obsessed with it

and laptop

oh shit

what now?

idk i can't tell her no

especially not after she let me to go to lunar eclipse

i know where you're coming from

for how long?

a week


that will be a boring week

yeah i know

i'll probably just be rereading every single damn book i have in my mini library

around fifty books, i think

you like reading?


not really

only good good good good good good books

so you like good books

only good good good good good good books

fine i got it!

yeah i know

fukc she's kcioming


bye, lyds

14 days left

// right so stiles is actually counting down, yes. //

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