12 // six degrees of separation - the script

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12 // six degrees of separation – the script

are you using kik? i found it on your twitter account (actually isaac did, considering you blocked me) but idk how it works so yeah, idk where to check if you’re online. but i want to say i’m sorry for acting like a jerk, we are friends and everything, it’s just that mali and i almost had something but couldn’t bc of derek, and it’s still all pretty fresh and i don’t like talking about it

i’m really, really sorry, lydia. i’m not a bastard, a jerk, a fucktard or anything that you called me, i just fucked up. you’re my friend, right? i’ve gotten used to talking to you on a daily basis, and during those few days i thought i found a new friend, what made you even better was that you liked our music.

even if you still think i’m an asshole (and i am for lying to you and being rude to you), just let me know you’re okay.

you are an asshole, stilinski. i was just trying to make a joke or something, and then you fucking attacked me. i am mad and angry but if you really mean it, then i should say i’m sorry for teasing you even after you clearly said you didn’t want me to joke about that. so sorry.

we both fucked up, stilinski

so you’re not mad?

are you blind or what? i am fucking mad but you should be mad too bc i was an idiot too

nah, it’s okay. you didn’t want to hurt me with that or anything, i know that.

so why did you text me?

i liked talking to you, tbh. mainly bc you’re so chill. it’s a good thing

yeah but still you’re sure that’s a valid reason?

what do you want me to say?

nvm, let’s just forget that. i gotta go. adios stilinski

bye lyds

// yay, they're back! anyway two things: (a) this song reminds me of my crush and me [irrelevant], (b) i won't be back until next weekend, because it's the last week of school before spring beck and we've got a ton of things to do and exams //

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