22 // tiffany blews - fall out boy

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22 // tiffany blews – fall out boy

are you feeling better today?

yeah, thankfully

i’m glad

can i ask you something?

sure thing, love


how do you write songs? i mean, is there something you need to do before each or something like that? bc i’d like to try it, but i just don’t know how hahaha

i make some tea (i love tea, okay) and sit on my bed, thinking about stuff, or going through my feelings diary (it’s just a regular diary but with an emphasis on my feelings) and just making a song in my head, what i feel like it should be about, and make all of it come to one piece

or i just randomly get inspiration and write it down lol

oh wow. that’s actually quite a recipe you’ve got there, young man

i know haha

scott tells me i look like an idiot when i’m writing bc i have that ‘i’m being productive touch me you die’ pose, according to him

that probably looks amazing ngl

i’ve tried writing some, and they seem fucking awesome when i write them down and then i read them after a few hours and feel like gagging lol

how the heck do you manage to write something so awesome?

it takes time, honestly. every time it’s easier, but it’s always hard to start

failing is a part of the success

are you writing right now?

yeah, how did you know?

i’m watching you

jk you said something really deep so i concluded you must be in your writing zone


that’s actually a valid conclusion


so how’s it going?

good, i guess

you’re a bit of a distraction tbh

oh shit sorry

no it’s okay, i didn’t mean it in a bad way


good then lol

is everything okay with you?

yeah, why?

you’ve been acting differently for a while now

maybe it was just me, idk, but are you sure everything’s okay? i mean, it’s fine if you don’t want me to know, but just tell me if something’s wrong, you don’t have to tell what, because i want to know you’re okay

no, i’m okay, i guess haha

okay, then. i’m glad, lyds

me too, stilinski

good luck with your song, it’s getting quite late and i’ve got school tomorrow, night

it’s three in the morning but never mind

night, love

night, drummy

// this was such a relaxing and cute chapter omfg. on the other hand can anybody make me a crackship gif of evan peters and holland roden bc they're a ship for my other story and omfg i'm in love //

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