69 // stutter - marianas trench

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"Ah, fuck's father's fuck, it's a real shitshot you're leaving to blowhole Canada."

Scott held onto Lydia as if he were never letting go and the girl was a little red in face, but still smiling. The drummer stood aside, laughing – Stiles couldn't stop, even though he knew he should've saved Lydia from this.

"Man, I love you. I love you," Scott said, holding her even tighter.

"Watch out, if you hug her any longer, you're going to turn into Lin-Manuel Miranda." Stiles finally separated the two, letting his arm linger on her shoulder just a moment longer before letting it drop. He smirked at his best friend and patted his back. "You're going to survive."

Scott looked at him with puppy eyes. "I'm not. She's amazing." He looked at Lydia and shook his head. "I'm going to fucking miss you. You should be in Road to Serenity instead of this dickhead."

She laughed with her shoulders shaking, burying her face in her hands. She peeked through her fingers. "I can't play drums. Besides, I've got my own band."

"I know," sighed Scott. "You guys should tour with us once."

"Yeah. Banshee on the Road to Serenity."

"I see you've talked about it already."

Stiles laughed. "Of course. The moment she told me she has a band, pretty much."

"No, I think it was actually a little after that."

"It was immediately after."

"A little more."

"Yo, shut up," interrupted Scott. He crossed his arms on his chest and took a defensive stance, eyeing both of them with raised eyebrows. "So? Did you bang yesterday or was it all for nothing?"

The pair almost choked when they heard the question. They began muttering things, both of them unable to lie to Scott. He just knew.

"Ah. I see." Wink.

"Screw you, Scott," said Stiles. He looked around, fuming on the inside. "Where's everyone? We've got to go."

"Relax, Stiles. You've still got five hours."

"Only five hours. We're in fuckin' LA, mate!"

Scott opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by loud chatter and laughter, coming closer. The trio turned to the right, noticing two boys walking in their direction. Isaac, who towered even over Derek, wrapped Lydia in a tight hug and buried her head in his maroon scarf.

"You need to come more often," he said. He still wasn't letting go of her and Lydia had a little smile on her face. "I need to teach you the rest of my solos. And all the other Arctic Monkeys songs we haven't gotten to."

"Of course." Lydia laughed and snuggled on his chest, her hands holding him close. "We can skype, though."

"Definitely. Absolutely. Skype band, baby!"

The two pulled apart and Lydia stood back next to Stiles. She ran a hand through her hair, giving Stiles a quick glance before laughing. "I'll miss your accent more than you. Nobody speaks like that in Canada."

Stiles raised an eyebrow at her, even though she couldn't see it. "No one? Not one of the – what, fifty million of the population?"

"No. Canadians suck. They don't made anything good."

"They made you." He raised both eyebrows this time, unable to suppress a playful smile. Especially when she rolled her eyes.

"God, you're disgusting," commented Derek. "I'll miss you."

"You better. Man, I can't even hug you!" She tried to, but her arms were to tiny and he was too big so he pulled her into a bear hug. "This is enough hugs for, like, a decade."

They said their final goodbyes and Stiles could see both the boys and she were reluctant to having to be countries apart again, but the hardest goodbye—for him—was yet to come. In car, there was no silence as they talked and talked and talked and he didn't even know what they talked about, they just did. He spent every moment he could hearing her voice because he knew he wouldn't get the chance to hear it not over the screen for a while.

At one point, when they were absolutely stuck in the traffic, he gave her a small present. It were the pictures he'd taken of them throughout the past few days and some of them were absolute trash, but some looked like they could've been screenshots from a well-done movie.

It's unnecessary to say that those were taken by her.

He pointed at the one he took the first day, one where she's smiling at him. "You look cute here."

"I do?"

"You do. You always do. But you're, like, especially cute here. I'm going to frame it on my wall."

"Then I'm going to frame yours on the wall." She showed him the one she took of him, when he was looking out his Jeep – the only one that looked sort of decent. "You look cute here."

"I look punk rock."


"Punk rock."

She tilted her head and gave him her sweetest smile. "Cute."

"Fine. If I can kiss you."

She laughed, so he did.

It was weird to think there was less than four hours left.

[just fyi, there's only one chapter + epilogue left.]

ROAD TO SERENITY | stydia [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now