23 // blame me - the pretty reckless

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23 // blame me – the pretty reckless

okay i lied

i’m not okay

i mean i am, but at the same time i’m not. it’s a bit crazy

what happened?

my friends are leaving me out of things they do. i mean it sounds crazy, i know, but i feel like they’re all better friends with each other and i’m always the third wheel within our group of friends. and i know it’s probably only me, or i’m distancing myself, or something like that, but it still hurts as hell

so that’s the problem

yeah. idk i didn’t want to bother you yesterday

and what’s changed your mind?

allison told me how she was going to watch fifty shades of grey with brae and erica on friday, and she was so excited and all, and they didn’t even invite me. like okay thanks

i mean i told them i don’t want to watch the movie bc it’s sick but still, they could’ve invited me or made me feel less left out or something

like, i’m not showing it, but it does fucking hurt

okay, don’t worry. you’re going to get through that and you should tell them bc it’s just going to bug you

or write a song. it couldn’t be hard, right? try to write down what you’re feeling like and look at it later, write a song and it will go away

you think?

i’m a professional in that, lyds

okay, i’ll try. let’s hope it works


// that wasn't a tfios reference. just fyi. and i was supposed to watch evan peters' new film [the lazarus effect] and even got company, but apparently the film isn't being shown in my town. fuck. //

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