34 // the ghost of you - my chemical romance

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34 // the ghost of you – my chemical romance



how come you texted me first?

chemistry is boring

oh right, you’re in school

ha ha


so what are you doing?


cause i’m not in school

shut it stilinski

are you sure your chem teacher won’t notice you?

harris is too stupid

i mean, he’ll definitely see i’m on my phone but won’t really do anything about it

kira has more problems, considering she’s written down absolutely no notes


you have?

i can multitask, unlike some people

erica’s actually being smart today

i thought you two were friends?

we are, but she’s still kinda pretending she’s stupid

you know, for the popularity

it apparently works

you should see the way guys look at her omfg

it’s like they’re undressing her with their eyes

well that’s nasty

what do you think about that?

ew omfg

like really that’s gross


but as if you’ve never done that to a boy

or a girl

whichever you prefer

i’ve never done that

and boys

girls are cute, but nah

boys ftw

so can i hook you up with isaac? he’s kinda lonely

oh my god stilinski no

that would be gross

why? i thought everybody likes him

well yeah, but idk

he’s cute and funny and everything but just not my type

what’s your type then?



well that’s…interesting

i know, right

so what’s your type then?


that was really quick

so what, blonde, brainless and fake?


shallow, man, shallow

you just got degraded in my eyes

i was just kidding

i don’t have a type either, or at least i can’t think of one right now

how many people have you dated so far?

i like how you say people instead of girls

are you trying to tell me something?

are you gay, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, or something else that ends with sexual?

well, yeah

that’s so cool! you can tell me if you want, i won’t tell anyone

you sure?

pinky promise

okay i’ll just tell you then

hurry up, i’m excited!

i’m heterosexual

i hate you

you’re not interesting at all

or funny

oh come on, you love me

no, i hate you

hate stilinski?


where did you go?


you really pick the right moment

like, couldn’t you just text me ‘hate stilinski.’ so i can sleep normally?

i hate you

goddammit lyds

// so yeha, hate stilinski's becoming their 'okay' and i'm so happy bc of that, and idek why. i would like to thank those 16 of you who commented 'hate stilinski' on the last chapter, that meant hell of a lot ngl :) also my new english teacher [who is totally awesome, like she watches got, sherlock, doctor who, and hell of a lot of other tv shows and hAS TUMBLR. AND IS A POTTERHEAD. DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING] asked me to let her read my stories bc i told her i'm a writer so um this has a bit too much swearing hahaha //

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