56 // i don't remember - 5sos

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Long story short, twenty minutes later Stiles and Lydia were in Jungle and Stiles kept looking at his shirt (plaid, with red and black pattern) – hanging off of Lydia. He couldn't say no. He wished he'd said no, because the way she looked in that shirt made him want to grab her face and press his lips against hers. Though, he didn't know if it was because of the fact that she was wearing his shirt, or maybe because of the way the soft, baby blue and magenta colored lights fell onto her skin – or, perhaps, something entirely else.

"So, we're meeting the guys here, right?" Lydia asked, once they had taken their seats.

The usual layout of Jungle was now replaced with a stage where most tables had been, and they had been moved to the back, along with the chairs. The lighting in the middle was fixed with neon lights with colors which would gradually change during fifteen minutes. In the back, where Stiles and Lydia were currently sitting, the lights were dim and he couldn't decide whether it was romantic or simply too dark.

As he checked his phone, Stiles let out a sigh that she couldn't hear. "Yes. They should've been here, already."

Lydia didn't respond, but he could sense she was uncomfortable. He had no idea why that was, though he did wish he could do something to help her. He'd asked her at least five times if everything was okay and she'd always say it was. He couldn't help her if she didn't want his help, so he decided to act as if he didn't notice anything.

"Do you like it?" he asked, gesturing at the place with a small smile.

"Yeah," she said. "It's cool. It's completely different to what it looked like just a few hours ago."

"That's the whole point of Jungle. During the night, it's a café and, during the night, it's a night club," Stiles explained. "Pretty awesome, huh?"

She nodded and sent him a small smile, to which Stiles sighed in relief. The night wasn't ruined.

Few minutes later, they saw three guys approaching them. Scott, Isaac and Derek, who were almost fifteen minutes late (the concert was just about to begin) apologized and told them they needed to grab some drinks. Even though Stiles worked at Jungle and it was a night club, it was still pretty strict about alcohol and there was no way someone would get a drink without being of age – even with a fake I.D..

Usually, he'd just grab some beer and start drinking (not to get wasted – he liked the taste of alcohol), but since Lydia was visually uncomfortable with the whole drinking thing, he said he'd maybe drink later. Thankfully, his friends understood where he was coming from so they didn't push any further. That was when the concert started, so the five of them walked to the front and support Theo (who was pretty much everyone's friend) and his band.

From the corner of his eye, he watched Lydia turn from someone who just couldn't get comfortable to someone dancing and singing her ass off. He was laughing at her, but not because he was mocking her – he found her amusing and he was really glad that he found her. He wished he could've frozen the moment and imprinted the image into the back of his mind.

For the unknown time that day, Stiles' heart smiled at her. Or maybe not – maybe he was just a little bit under the influence of Chimera's songs and that made him poetic. He didn't know and he didn't care, really.

He was just having lots of fun.

"Okay, so the last song for today is dedicated to this girl from other weekend," Theo said, laughing. Stiles groaned, remembering how his friend had a pretty wild night. "Let's see if anyone will manage to guess it."

ROAD TO SERENITY | stydia [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now