45 // sex - the 1975

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45 // sex — the 1975

houston we've got a problem


mom wants to get me to some hotel and obviously i can't tell her that i've already told you i would be staying at derek's hotel

well technically it's his dad's hotel but his brother is the manager

but yeah that sucks

wait why can't you tell her that?

she doesn't know that we're talking


are you freaking kidding me?


sorry hahaha

also what is the hotel's name?

lunar eclipse

are you freaking kidding me


peter even named the floors

alpha, beta and omega

aren't those positions in the pack of werewolves?

well done, you always surprise me

but yes

he's kinda-sorta obsessed with werewolves

but he's an okay dude

just a little odd

oh great

sounds just like norman bates


you always surprise me

he was a serial killer

but dang the actor in bates motel is hella cute


i don't wanna listen to you talking about how guys are cute

you have female friends for that

oh come oooooon


also, i'm fairly certain peter isn't a serial killer. he's a bit odd, as i said, but not a serial killer. pretty sure

what about just a killer? you know, not a serial? but a killer?

that neither

oh okay

so i'm not gonna die there

bc that would really suck


but if he kills you, i hope he'll do it on 28th

why then?

bc then you're leaving la either way

i wouldn't have less time with you

you're so selfish and rude

you love me


you're a great friend

but that's beside the point

oh shush


i'm gonna see some details on lunar eclipse on the net and ten try to talk my mom into booking a room there

let's hope it'll work

// right i almost forgot to update bc i was too busy looking at the bob morley tag on tumblr and writing my jasper fic kill me //

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