6: Neighborhood Shenanigans

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Working was a lot of fun in my opinion. Not just because you get paid but because you can have fun while doing it.

I started working as soon as I got into high school and started saving up a lot of money. I had about five years experience at this place and it was honestly amazing.

I work at a local store in town with a lot of cool, neat things in it. I had a lot of pride something into this store when I first started and the owner loves me.

It was either this or the local café but I honestly couldn't see myself working at a food place. I don't know what it was but the café just didn't settle good with me.

So I came to this place when I saw a help wanted sign in the window and did an interview. In about a week I heard something back and got the job instantly.

It's been fun ever since.

Everyone comes here so it wasn't a dead place where everyone needs and wants.

Electronics, books, anything you can think of honestly.

Well, not cars and we had some furniture but nothing big. It was just a small place with some small items.

I was making about seven an hour when I first started and now it went up to thirteen an hour.

It was great.

Saving my money was so hard at first.

I wanted to spend every time I got paid but I bought a safe and started putting money back every time I got paid then pocketed the rest.

Just so I wouldn't spend so much.

I work the weekends but I sometimes come in on the weekdays and work so I could earn more money for overtime and everything.

Just saving up to leave.

I want to earn more so I need to find side jobs where I can earn when I'm not working.

I'm like a work-aholic.

I love it.

I've earned so much money in the past five years that I want to earn more somehow and get ready to leave when it's time.

"Reagan Sanders." I look over to see Connor walking in with a smile on his face.


He looks around for a moment before looking back at me as he approaching the counter. "I need a phone charger."

"They're over there on the far shelf."

He looks over before smiling at me and walking over to it. I watch him before continuing standing behind the counter and looking around at all the customers walking around.

We had a few people in here today and it was a little busy throughout the morning. It was now three, which I had another hour until I clock out.

I work from eight to four every weekend.

Nothing bad.

Connor walked back up to the counter and placed a charger in front of me. He smiles before taking out some money as I rung his total up and grabbed the money then placed it in the register.

After I gave him the change, he smiled at me before placing the charger in his pocket. "How much longer until you get off?"

"An hour."

"Want to go do something?"

Looking at him, I nod. "Yeah. I actually was thinking about doing side work for some extra money. Maybe ask around to see if I can ask someone to do house work or yard work."

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