5: A Little Weight Off

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Last night, I skipped dinner until everyone was gone to bed then I went downstairs and grabbed something from the kitchen to eat since I was hungry.

Dad didn't try talking to me for the remainer of the night and I knew he was probably thinking how shitty he really was for the first time.

I knew he couldn't see what he was doing wrong because he thinks there's nothing he's doing that's wrong.

But everything was better when mom was here.

Everything was perfect.

I had the best mom ever and my life was great. I didn't have a cheating ex cause Amelia was actually faithful to me. I could tolerate Miss Allen to a certain degree and she didn't get on my nerves so bad.

Everything was just better when mom was here.

Now everything is shit cause she left.

The chaos around me was just building up and it was to the point where I couldn't take it anymore.

I was more than ready to leave this town.

Leave everything behind and start a new life where I can be happy again.

Mom wasn't even buried in this town cause I wasn't concerned about leaving her behind.

She wasn't buried at all.

She was cremated.

I have her ashes with me all the time, no matter where I go.

So I wouldn't be leaving her behind once I left.

I would be taking her with me.

Before mom passed, a long ways away from her passing, she told me and dad that she wanted to be cremated if she went before him.

Dad didn't like the idea but I was all for it cause I knew I could have her with me all the time.

She wouldn't be buried in some cold ass ground and forgotten over the course of years.

I can always carry her with me.

"You ready for this afternoon?" Connor asks as we were walking to music class.

I look over at him and nod. "Yep. I want to get it perfect and be ready."

"Even having your ex over at your house?"

Shaking my head, I walked to the piano and sat down. "Sure." I opened the cover and saw him sit next to me.

He smiles at me. "I really didn't think you would ask her. I was just joking."

"Yeah.. but she is a good match for this. I don't sing in public and she can really sing."

I saw him nod as I played a few keys before hearing the teacher tell us that we would be doing lecture in about thirty minutes.

That gave us a little time to practice on our music and I could teach Connor a little bit of the chords on the guitar.

"I brought you a chord sheet. It's for guitar." I pulled the paper out of my bag before handing it to him.

He grabs it before looking it over and nodding, then placing it up to where he could see it as he was looking at it and trying the chords on the guitar.

Watching him, he was having a little trouble so I helped him out and showed him how to do it. I knew that he would be struggling at first but he would soon get it.

Learning guitar isn't all that hard if you really want to learn it.

We were playing together and messing up a lot since Connor was missing the chords. It sounded bad but I laughed it off as I was showing him how to do it and where to put his fingers.

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