Chapter 9

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Kristina turns the faucets of the shower as she quickly takes off her clothes and gets in as the powerful jets of the shower head penetrate her skin releasing all the stress and confusion in her as if it was washing her emotionally and mentally. After another fifteen minutes she gets out the shower feeling refreshed and calm as she dries herself and starts to put on her clothes, she picks out a white buttoned down collared shirt with black skinny jeans and brown boots as she pulled her brown hair in a sloppy ponytail. When she gets out the bathroom she sees Sarah still passed out on the couch but she sees no sign of Javier anywhere. Right before she leaves she grabs her phone and heads out the door. As she walks towards the elevator she sees she has eighteen missed calls on her phone, seven from her mom and four from her dad, six from Levi and one from Terah. I wonder why she called, probably Levi using her phone to talk to me, she ignores the call as she quickly dials her mother phone number and pushes the down button for the elevator as she waits for the elevator her mom picks up on the third ring.

“WHY HAVEN’T YOU PICKED UP ANY OF MY CALLS!” her mother shouts on the phone.

“Good Morning to you too mom.” she rolls her eyes, “I told you the service was bad over here and I just seen that you called.”

“I called you four times last night and three times this morning, what were you doing?” her mother snaps.

“There was the honor society commencing ceremony yesterday night and I told you I just seen the missed calls.” she sighs as she hears a small ping indicating the elevator was here as the elevator doors open and she walks in.

“Oh alright, I want you to call me every night and morning do you hear me?”

“Yes mam’” she says as she presses ‘1’ for the first floor as the doors close.

“Okay, I’ll tell your dad you called, talk to you tonight, bye.” her mom quickly hangs up as the elevator pings again as the doors open as she shoves her phone in her pocket and walks out the elevator and slows walks to the main desk as she is still captivated by the beauty of the main lobby. “Good Morning.” a voice says.

When she turns around she sees Heather, the beautiful hotel attendant with her platinum blonde hair in a high pony tail and a wide smile plastered on her face, “Good Morning.” she smiles at her, “Where do I go to for the meeting this morning?” she asks her.

“In the second dining hall, would you like me to take you?” she says politely.

“Yes please.” Kristina smiles at her as Heather begins to lead her to the dining hall. They walk in silence through hallways and corridors as Kristina takes in more beauty of the hotel. They reach two huge Mahogany doors with distinct tribal markings that matched perfectly with the décor of the hallway. Heather walked closer to the door and pulled the doors open and the first thing Kristina sees are tables filled with food.

“Enjoy.” Heather says with a smile as she begins to walk back down the hall.

“Thank you.” Kristina says behind her then she walks inside looking at the multiple tables filled with pancakes, waffles, French toast, bacon, sausage, eggs and many other breakfast foods, Kristina stomach growled as she almost drooled at the sight, I didn’t even know I was hungry.

“Are you hungry?” a voice says from behind her.

She turns and sees Malcolm in a fetching navy blue suit and a white buttoned down shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned slightly showing his muscular chest, Sweet Jesus, she looks at his blond hair tussled just a little bit as if he was repeatedly running his hands through it but suddenly his deep blue eyes start to drag her in like a magnet. “You know, it’s not polite to stare.” Malcolm says to her with a smile, breaking her from her trance.

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