Chapter 37

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"What's happening in one fucking week!" Mateo shouts at the nurses at the Nurses Station in rage.

"We thought you knew." One of the nurses says quietly as she is caught off guard by Mateo's outburst just like the other nurses.

"No I don't! Where is Dr. Reynolds!"

"Mr. Montoya, are you okay?" Dr. Reynolds asks as he walks over to the nurses' station.

"No I am not okay! Why is that I wasn't aware of the decision that was made to pull the plug?" he shouts as the anger starts to consume his body.

"It wasn't up to me-"

"How could you let him do that?" Mateo shouts cutting off Dr. Reynolds.

Dr. Reynolds looks at all the staff, patients and visitors watching the scene escalate, "Would you like to speak somewhere more private?" Dr. Reynolds asks in a quiet voice.

"Why? Cause I'm making a scene?" Mateo shouts.

"Yes and it is very unprofessional. Le's be adults here." Dr. Reynolds answers.

Mateo sees red, "Listen you Dr. Oz bitch made so call doctor. They are about to pull the plug on my FUCKING son in there and you're telling me to act professional like a give a fuck who's watching or not? GIVE ME SOME FUCKING ANSWERS!" he shouts then turns to the nurses' station, "And if anyone of you dare to call security you guys, I play cards with your Supervisor on Saturday evenings. I'll be sure to let him know you guys take food as bribes to let things like staying after visitor hours slide." he spat at them as he look at the different looks of fear or anger on each one of their faces. He turns to Dr. Reynolds, "You better give me answers now." he fumes.

"Mr. Collins applied for Medical Euphemism about 2 or 3 weeks ago and the decision was approved."

"I thought you said it had to go through a committee or some sort of evaluation!"

"It has and Mr. Collins has been evaluated Psychologically and has been deem in the right state of mind to make the decision."

"And you guys didn't decide to hold him here? He's a fucking lunatic, who evaluated him? Monkeys?"

"Mr. Montoya-"

"Don't you guys need my permission as his guardian?"

 "Technically, you aren't his legal guardian. We need official documentation not just a verbal okay."

"So his mother needs to sign off and she isn't here to make a decision!"

"Apparently, Mr. Collins is a sole guardian, well legally."

Mateo is in shock, "What? How?" he says as he begins to feel a pounding in his head.

"There's paper works that discloses that she isn't mentally or emotionally fit to make decisions on her own."

"There is no fucking way!" Mateo shouts in frustration as the tears brim his eyes, "Do you know when this decision was made? Do you know where Lidia is?"

"Mr. Montoya you really need to calm down." Dr. Reynolds says to him.

"NO! I can't calm down, you are about to let them kill my blood!"

"I cannot control the decisions of a parent in regards to their child." Dr. Reynolds answers.

"He's my son!"

Dr. Reynolds rolls his eyes and sighs, "Well technically, he is not."

Mateo walks over and grabs Dr. Reynolds by the throat, pressing him against the wall he lifts him the air about 8 feet high, slowly choking him as several people watching scream, "I was there when he was born, when he was teething, when he first walked, I recorded his first word, I took him to his first day of school and first basketball, football, and soccer game. I changed his diapers, I brought his clothes, I fed him and held him when he had nightmares. I know where every birthmark, mole and bruise is. And since he has been in here I've been here every single day. So that boy you see in there is 110% MY SON and don't you ever forget that." he says  as the tears fall out of his eyes then quickly drops the doctor onto the floor and walks out towards the elevator leaving everyone in shock. Mateo moves to his car as quickly as possible and drives home in a ballistic rage. He gets home and slams the door shut.

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