Chapter 4

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After five minutes of arguing Javier just takes the keys and decides to drive, Sarah happily gets in the back of the car as Kristina slides with the bags of food in right besides her. Javier puts in his iPod and starts the car, instantly "Bills, Bills, Bills" by Destiny Childs blasts through the speakers, then he pulls out the parking lot and on to the highway. Sarah leans into Kristina and puts her head on her lap and instantly falls fast asleep.

"Krissy," Javier says from the front of the car.

"Yea?" she says as she looks from the window to him.

"I wish you were next to me," he looks up at the rear mirror to look at her with a frown.

Kristina does a nervous chuckle, "Really?"

"Yes really, come to the front," he says seriously.

"I can't I don't want to wake Sarah up," she says as she directs her attention out the window.


"Yes really," she says with a quick smile and looks back out the window.

They drove in silence the rest of the way as they hit the IS-95 S entering Maryland, then they drove for almost another two hours before hitting the IS-895 S then another 30 minutes before they entered MD-201 entering Washington D.C., Javier asks Kristina the directions to the hotel where the Honor's Society was being held and within another 40 minutes without getting lost. "Sarah we're here," Kristina says gently waking her up.

Sarah stretches and yawns as she straightens up. "Finally," she says groggily as they pile out the car getting their stuff out the trunk.

"Kristina, go inside and get the keys for the rooms and stuff. Sarah and I got the rest of the bags," Javier says to her.

Kristina nods her head and walks towards the hotel, as she goes inside she is in amaze of such a grandiose lobby. She stands there looking at the Dark Mahogany walls with cream embroidering as beautiful gold curtains drape the windows along with the huge classic pictures hanging on the walls. White and gold couches and chairs, vases full of beautiful plants and glass coffee tables grace the white marble floor. "Hello Welcome to the Fairfax, how may I help you?"

Kristina looks up to see a bright blue eyed platinum blonde haired hotel attendant dressed in a navy blue blazer and skirt to match with her hair in a neat bun, Whoa she's beautiful, "Uhm yea, I'm with the honor's society," she says nervously.

"Oh we've been waiting for you, you're the last one to arrive, Kristina Daniels right?" she says with a smile.


"Follow me to the front desk so I can have you fill out the sign in sheet and give you some things," she smiles again as she walks towards the front desk. When they reach the front desk she gives Kristina a sign in sheet for the honor society and forms to sign, "Have your parents accompanied you on this trip?"

"Uhm no, my uhm two friends have accompanied me," she says nervously.

"Oh okay that's fine," she smiles at her reassuringly, "Well here are your set of room keys."

"Whoa this place is too fucking live," Sarah says out loud as she enters the lobby with Javier and bags in her hands.

"This shit looks dumb expensive," Javier says in awe with her.

Kristina blushes as she gives the hotel attendant a nervous laugh, "Those are my friends accompanying me." She quickly turns to them and gives them a menacing look then quickly turns back and gives the hotel attendant a nervous smile.

The hotel attendant tries her best to hold back her laughter, "Leave your bags here someone will take them up," she smiles at them.

Javier and Sarah hesitantly put their bags on the floor, "If someone takes my shit it is over," Sarah says loud enough for the hotel attendant to hear.

"Let me escort you to your room," she smiles again leading them to the elevator. When they get in the elevator, they see an elevator attendant and she tells him floor number 6. When they reach the 6th floor they get off and turn right down the long hallway. Then she stops five doors down at room number 609. "This is your room," she smiles at them as she opens the door. Kristina, Javier, and Sarah stand in the doorway gaping at the beautiful room; with gold and burgundy walls with two beds and a living room with a bar, TV and beautiful décor. Then they became mesmerized with the two huge windows overlooking the view of the Embassy row and the Washington Monument.

"Whoa this room is great, thank you." Kristina says to the hotel attendant.

"You're welcome, your bags shall be arriving shortly," she smiles, "If you guys need anything feel free to call downstairs for me, My name is Heather, I hope you guys enjoy your stay," she smiles again and turns on her heels and closes the door.

"Do you guys see this place?" Javier says in amazement, "Kristina if this is where your grades take you then imagine where you'll be after this." He says still looking around the room.

Kristina blushes at his words, "Wait, there are only two beds," she says disappointed.

"Don't worry, you guys can sleep on the beds I'll sleep on the couch," Javier says to her.

They hear a knock at the door, Sarah gets the door, "Hello is Kristina Daniels available?" a voice says.

Sarah turns her head to Kristina, "There is some sexy ass guy in the hallway asking for you," not waiting for answer, she quickly turns back to the door, "Yea she's inside, come in," Sarah says to the person.

"Hello you must be Kristina, I'm Malcolm Knight and I'm one of the coordinators for the Honor's Society. We are very pleased that you were able to make it," he takes her hand to shake and smiles at her.

Kristina mouth almost falls to the floor as a she looks at the tall man about 6'5 with sun kissed skin as well as his blonde hair with dark blue captivating eyes that would draw anyone in like the waves in the ocean and a gorgeous smile to die for, almost resembling Leonardo DiCapro during his prime, This day just gets better and better, "T-T-Th-Thank you, I am honored to be here," she nervously shakes his hand back with a smile.

"Out of 52 states, we only select one hundred and fifty high students to be in the honor's society every year and we only nominate ten to be spokespersons and you are one of the ten. I was the one who nominated you," he smiles at her, "I took one look at your folder and I just felt that you were one of the one's perfect for this position, which makes me your mentor. Tonight is the commencing ceremony and we are looking forward to seeing you and your party there at 6:30 pm. I will talk to you more this later. It was a pleasure meeting you Kristina." He smiles and makes his way towards the door, "Your baggage is here by the way," he smiles again and leaves the room.

Kristina stands there mesmerized by his enchanting voice as her mind swimming around his words, this cannot be real, "Whoa this can't be real," she says shockingly.

"No, he can't be real, he was too gorgeous," Sarah fans herself with her hand.

"It is real," Javier walks over to her ignoring Sarah's comment, "You heard the man, you are 10 in a billion," he smiles at her as he kisses her forehead.

Kristina blushes, "Thank you," she smiles, "I got to call my parents before they start to worry," she moves away from Javier and Sarah who are grabbing the bags and unpacking. Kristina pulls out her phone and calls her mom and on the second ring she picks up, "Hello Mom?"

"It's 2:46, I definitely called you five times earlier," her mom snaps.

Kristina rolls her eyes, "I was on the highway mom I probably didn't have service." She sighs.

"Oh well did you reach Washington safely?" Her mom says.

"Yes mom. And I just met with my mentor for the spokesperson position he said I was ten out of 150 kids chosen out of all the other high school students in America," she smiles.

"Of course you would be nobody is more special than you Kristina. Well I got to go I'm still at work, I'll call you later. Goodbye baby." She hangs up.

Kristina smiling, then she feels her phone ringing again she looks at her caller ID and she sees its Levi. She rolls her eyes, it's been two months and he called her over a hundred times. She shoves her phone in her pocket and walks over to help Javier and Sarah with the bags. She looks at her friends and smiles; It is going to be an epic five days.

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