Chapter 19

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“What do you wanna eat, Chinese food or pizza?” Sarah asks Kristina.


              “I’m cool with that. Want Papa John’s?”

              “I love Papa John’s.”

“Alright let me go order.” Sarah says as she gets up from the couch and goes to get her phone on the other side of the living room to order.

Kristina called Sarah as soon as Javier left and Sarah came as fast as could, although she was still suffering from a hangover at 4:03 in the afternoon.  Ever since Sarah arrived they’ve been watching TV, talking and playing around for almost four hours without a trace of Javier. Another 45 minutes pass and the pizza is here.

“Okay so I ordered two boxes of buffalo wings, a pepperoni pizza, a chicken pizza, and a plain cheese pizza.” Sarah says to Kristina as she walks over to the living room placing the boxes on the coffee table.

“Why so much pizza?” Kristina asks.

“Javier has to come back someday right? And plus I’m starving girl!” Sarah exclaims.

              Kristina laughs, “Okay okay okay.”

             Sarah sits down by her, “Hey, why did we leave D.C. so early? You guys left me in the dark?”

              “Javier, didn’t tell you that Levi is in a coma?”

              “Oh God No! What happened?”

              “He got hit by a car.” She says as she takes a small bite of pizza.

 “Damn, I’m sorry I didn’t know. I just thought that something happened that night of the ball. I feel like something went down.”

“It’s cool and nothing happened we just came back just because of that.” she says as she gets up and grabs the remote, “Wanna watch TV?” she adds hoping Sarah doesn’t press about last night any further.

"Sure." she answers. "You know my brother was asking for you today." she adds with a smile.

"Why?" she says in shock.

"Because he likes you, duh." she answers with a smile.


"Kristina, you're beautiful inside and out, that's why. And you're the only one that doesn't see it." she answers as Kristina just shrugs it off.

After sitting, eating and watching TV, Kristina looks at the time and realizes it’s ten o’clock. “Sarah, it’s 10 already. Where does the time go?”

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