Chapter 15

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Its 2:18am when they get back to Brooklyn, they head to Sarah’s house first as they drop her home. "Sarah, it's to go home sweetheart." Javier says as he turns to wake her up.

"Where are we?" she says groggily as she hold her head.

"We're at your house." he says.

"We left Washington D.C.? Is this a dream?"

"No dummy it is not a dream." he says with a smile, "I have a family emergency, we had to leave."

"Ughhh I feel sick."

"Yea, you can get out of my car now."

"Let me call my brother to come get me." she says as she pulls out her phone and calls her brother. In the next 5 minutes her brother comes out the house and to the car.

"You wasn't in the house?" he asks.

"No dummy, I was out the house for two days already." she answers with attitude.

"Ain't nobody pays attention to your loud ass."

"Can you carry me inside?" she asks, "Help you're big sister out, pretty please." she adds before he gets to say no.

"That's your little brother?" Kristina asks in shock as she double takes at the 6'6 Goliath by the side of the car.

"I'm physically, mentality and emotionally older than her. My name is Ian by the way." he says as he puts his hand through the window to shake Kristina's hand and give Javier dap.

"I'm Kristina and this is Javier." Kristina says as Ian opens the door to carry Sarah in his arms.

"It's nice to meet ya'll. Maybe one day we can all chill." he says to them as he closes the card door. "Good night." he says as he turns to walk to his house.

"Good night guys." Sarah waves.

"Good night." Kristina and Javier says in unison as they drive off. 

“Where are we going?” Kristina says quietly.

“Visiting hours at the hospital are over and since you’re parents don’t expect you home for another three days I was thinking you can stay with me.” he says as he turns to look at her, “I mean only if you want to.” he says to her.

“Oh okay, I’ll just stay with you,” she says quietly, looking out the window as Javier drives to his apartment.  They get there in 10 minutes. She gets out and watches him open the trunk as he takes out their bags. As he walks towards the doors of the apartment she follows behind him as she enters inside with him. They go up three flights of steps and they walk down the hall and stop at apartment 3C.

Javier pulls out his keys and opens the door as he quickly turns on the lights, “Make yourself at home.” he says as he puts down the bags and walks in, she nervously walks in behind him. "The living room is here, the kitchen is over there, my room is right there and my mom's room and the bathroom is down the hall." he says as he points at each area. "Are you good?" he asks her.

"I never sleep in guy's house before. I feel weird." she answers.

"You be fine." he says as she starts to put things away. “Are you hungry?” he asks as she shakes her head ‘No’, “Are you thristy?” she shakes her head ‘No’ he rubs his forehead, “Okay, are you tired?” she shakes her head ‘Yes’. He walks her to his bedroom, “If you need anything just call me over, Good Night.” he says as he turns to walk towards the living room couch.

“Stay with me, please.” she says quietly. Javier turns back around and walks in the room and closes the door behind him as he takes of his suit jacket and puts it on a nearby chair. She takes off her shoes and crawls into the bed as he crawls in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kisses her from the top of her neck to her shoulder. “Kristina, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there. I-I-I …” he breathes in her ear unable to find the words to say to make everything better but how can he?

 Kristina turns around and looks at him, she gently glides her fingers over his bruises that turned black and blue, “I’m sorry too.” she says choking up as she tries to hold back her tears but she can’t. She buries her face in his chest and starts to cry. He just cradles her like a newborn in the dark until she cries herself to sleep.

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