14 I believe there is God

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  It has been a while since I stepped into my father's ward. This time to Pantai Hospital, I first head to check who is behind the anonymous remittance, but sadly, I could not find anything. I arrive at the ward, push the door. What surprises me is that Jen Jackson and Olivia Gomez are there.
  Alertness awakes, "What are you guys here for? Leave now or I will call the police."
  Jen Jackson smirks, "I am here to see my legal husband, you call the police? Based on what? You transferred my husband away from River Town Hospital, it took me years to find him. The person who should call the police is me."
  "Hehe." I could not hold back but criticize her, "Madam Gomez, how is Gomez Co right now without the secret?"
   "You bitch!" Jen Jackson is triggered, she looks horrible, she comes forth wanting to hit me.
  I avoid her hit.
  That year, she threatened my father with the incident that me and Ethan Hayes had sex, Olivia Gomez was bawling, saying I stole her boyfriend. My father thought it was unjustifiable, he did not want to ruin my reputation, he was forced to marry Jen Jackson. But I know, that my father definitely has something in hand or else Jen Jackson would not be satisfied, even until now, she still searches for him.
   "You slut! The secret is with you right? Give it out!" Olivia Gomez also comes forth, looking crazy, she throws herself on me and we start fighting.
  Ever since my father was in coma, they thought they had all of Gomez Corporation's fortune, the golden mine soon came to an end because of their lack of experience. Gomez Corporation has been in the satin business for over a hundred years, all because of the secret pigmentation method passed down by the ancestors. Without the secret, Gomez Corporation is just an empty shell.
  Not long later, Gomez Corporation went bankrupt, they could not pay back the debts. They are not happy with that.
   "Too bad, the secret is not with me。" I push Olivia Gomez away, "I guess it was burned that year, no one can get it, maybe it is fate."
   "Argh!!" Olivia Gomez is furious, she has her hands on my neck, choking me and shaking vigorously, "You bitch, if I knew Gomez Corporation was an empty shell I would not have sent you to Ethan's bed. If I knew earlier that Ethan will inherit Hayes Co, why would I care about that lousy Gomez Corporation. "
   "Arghh!!!! Bitch, why don't you just go die!"
  Jen Jackson quickly covers Olivia Gomez's mouth, "What are you talking about? Let go, you can't kill her here." She lets go of my neck, air can finally flow through my throat. What did Olivia Gomez say just now?
  I walk towards them, "So it was you guys who gave Ethan the medicine and then sending me to his bed, you guys set me up? And, you purposely set me up to let my parents see! You murdered my mother and forced my father to marry you, am I right?!"
   "Hehe" "What else can you do about it now? You and Ethan slept together, this is a fact. And look at Greg Gomez, he is just there lying like a dead person."
  "Do not humiliate my father!" I give Jen Jackson a slap, I could not hold back any longer!
  "How dare you hit me?!" Jen Jackson glares fiercely at me with rage and hate, her makeup looks crooked, "What right do you have to hit me?!! You are a murderer, you burned the whole house down cooking peach gum, murdered my mum and almost killed my dad."
  Jen Jackson slaps me a few more times, Olivia Gomez too comes forth, she gives me a few punches and kicks.
  I do not hit back, I could but I am too startled to do so.
  I have never been so awake, I was awaken from their nasty words and brutal punches.
  One piece here and there, the puzzle is clear, everything finally pinned up. Maybe, I am not as sinful as I think I am, the main cause is someone else. It has been seven years I have this huge and heavy baggage of sins on my shoulders, seven years! I am beyond furious! I get up from the floor. They look like they got worn out from beating me up, scowling at me while panting.
  I look at Jen Jackson straightly in the eye, she freaks out in panic.
  "You bitch, what are you looking at?" "Bitch stop looking at me!"
  I smirk, "Jen Jackson, the night when the Gomez home was on fire, even the police did not know I cooked peach gum. I am curious, how did you know?"
  I have never seen Jen Jackson so nervous, "What peach gum, what are you talking about? I never even heard about it."
   "Olivia, let's leave." Jen Jackson quickly pulls Olivia Gomez to the door, ready to leave. "Jen Jackson, I believe there is God. My mother, aunt Perkins, two lives. The night is lonely and long, you just wait!"
  Jen Jackson froze, she looks like she is shivering, she does not look back, she slams the door.
  I walk to my father's bed, he looks to be in peace, I gently stroke his forehead, tears start dripping off my face, "Father, one day, I will find evidence. I will reveal their wrong doings. Mother, Aunt Perkins, everything is not as easy as we thought it is."

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