39 The truth (part 3)

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  Greg Gomez, Joel Hayes and I are all shocked.
  Marcella Jones Hayes has clearly lost her sane. 'I should've killed you earlier, bitch. You and your lowly daughter aren't suitable to become my family member. Sooner or later, all of you will die in my hands. Foolish people know nothing about their circumstances! Hahaha!'
  The PTU restrain Marcella Jones Hayes' movement. Marcella Jones Hayes keeps laughing maniacally. 'You'll know nothing about the truth, not a chance! Hahaha!'
  Ethan Hayes holds me tighter. At the exact moment, I can feel some sort of heaviness inside my heart. I grab him tightly. 'Ethan, I didn't forget to turn off the gas. Ethan, I didn't... I didn't kill Aunt Perkins.' My throat is tucked as my words are reached to the end.
  'I understand. I'll bring back the justice.' He holds my arms and comforts me with his soft voice.
  Ethan Hayes releases me and slowly approaches Marcella Jones Hayes.
  'Do you really think that no one else will know the truth, especially after putting Jen Jackson to death? Allow me to do my explanation.'
  'Back to those days, my parents were falling in love with each other. I know you were also interested in my father, and you threatened my mother to have a breakup with him. My father had completely lost his hope and decided to have a marriage with you. By the time my mother left him, she was pregnant. As she found out she suffered cancer and considered about her short lifespan, she sent me back to the Hayes family. My father kept thinking that my mother had abandoned both of us. I was young, and I don't have many memories about my mother. When I grew up, I started my investigation and I found back my mother. Fortunately, my mother was misdiagnosed. Right now she's having a fine body condition.'
  'Later, I brought my mother to Beijing for meeting my father. I brought her to see him because I planned to solve their misunderstanding, but my mother refused to meet him as she tried to maintain her quiet life. And then, she chose to leave the place, and I followed her to reach River Town.'
  'I expected that you would know this. Not long later, you sent your underlinings to track us and harmed us.'
  'I was drowned and rescued by someone. As you found that you plan was failed, you secretly sought Jen Jackson for assistance. At the exact moment, Olivia Gomez disguised herself as Lexie and saved me. It was a great opportunity. Although each individual has different intentions, the outcome is the same. And so, Jen Jackson tried to stay a closer distance with my mother.'
  'About that fire incident... Jen Jackson sensed that my mother had noticed something. Later, she secretly tracked her. But it turned out she went to the Gomez residence and found Uncle Gomez. Her nervousness struck her and quickly set the plan earlier than her expectation. She added the hallucinogen into the air inlet of the newest air system.'
  'After that, she took the key and went inside the location. During the moment she turned on the gas, Uncle Gomez went downstairs right on time. As he fainted at the ground floor, my mother lost her consciousness at the first floor. After completing her mission, she set the fire from first floor to ground floor. She left the location flawlessly.'
  'The gas had caused a big explosion. As the firemen managed to safe Uncle Gomez, they didn't know that there was a victim was trapped in the first floor. That's why my mother had faced a great trouble.'
  'That fire had completely burnt the remains of the hallucinogen. No trace has been found from the incident. It turned out it was Lexie who forgot to turn off the gas and caused a great disaster.'
  As Ethan Hayes continues his explanations, Marcella Jones Hayes's face turns paler.
  I doubtfully start my question. 'How come Jen Jackson could make such flawless plan?' I find that the tactics she used were brilliant.
  Ethan Hayes smirks coldly. 'Marcella Jones Hayes is the one who guided her, and she gave her the hallucinogen. At first, she planned to use it inside my mother's house. But Jen Jackson had used it in the Gomez residence. It's a plan that kills two birds with one stone.'
  After completely hearing the explanations, Marcella Jones Hayes's dreadful pale face is remained.
  'Those... those are your speculations... You don't have a proof...'
  'I have an audio recording tape.' Ethan Hayes raises his eyebrows. 'All of the recordings... Jen Jackson's assistance, fire incident in Pantai Hospital, elimination of Uncle Gomez... are inside this tape. This tape has proofed my correct speculations.'
  Marcella Jones Hayes completely loses her strength. She collapses onto the ground. 'I see. Alexander Hayes mentioned that tape before. It's on your hands...'
  Ethan Hayes sighs. 'Unfortunately, I obtained this last night, or else I could safe my father from harm...' He stops his words with guiltiness.
  Joel Hayes has heard all of the stories. His facial expression remains gloomy since from the beginning, and he never mentions a word.
  Greg Gomez sighs and says: 'So this is what happened. I feel bad for Sandra Perkins's decease. Sigh...'
  As the incident has reached its end, the crowds are gone.
  The winter season brings out a scene of despair.
  The PTU have brought all of us enter the police station for hearsay evidence recordings.
  Before the departure, Joel Hayes looks into my eyes. 'I didn't know that you had suffered a lot. I'm sorry.'
  I sob. 'I'm sorry, Joel. Back then I really wanted to accept you with my sincerity, but...'
  'No more words.' Joel Hayes sighs. 'I've signed the divorce agreement. I let you go because I find that he loves you more.'
  He turns and leaves. His departure appears like a dashing wind, with a sense of despair.

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