00. prologue

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"It began as a prank, and ended in murder." Heather read off the cover of The Wrong Number with a grin as she sold the book to a middle-aged woman. "Fantastic choice, I love this one."

"It's trash." The woman said blandly. Y/N rolled her eyes from where she was standing and stacking books onto the shelves. "Low brow horror. It's for my stepdaughter."

"Ugh. That'll be $2.95." Heather put the woman's change on the book with the receipt and slid it over to her. "Thank you for shopping at B. Dalton's."

The woman picked up the book and walked off as Heather said "And have a nice night." and flipped the woman off behind her back.

Once the woman had properly left the store Y/N spoke up.

"Well, she was just delightful." She said sarcastically while stacking new releases on the shelves closer to the window.

Heather rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. I wonder how far that sick was up her ass today."

Y/N laughed and went further back into the store to add books to the Stephen King section.

"Y/N/N, your child is here." Heather called out only a few minutes later.

"I am not a child." A slightly deeper voice called out.

"Go away, Simon! I'm working." Y/N walked over to the front desk and Heather went to finish stacking books.

"Yeah, but no one's here." The boy said, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Except Heather."

"I still have to work, asshole."

"But you're always annoying me at work!" Simon reasoned.

"That's because I need food to eat, and you work at a grocery store."

"You could go to a different store."

"You don't even read books."

"I do sometimes. They're just so boring." Simon hopped up and sat on the desk.

"Get off the bloody desk, Si."

"I don't understand how you could work here." He changed the subject, ignoring what Y/N had asked him to do. "It's so boring."

"Well, I do work here and my shift doesn't end for another few hours, so I'd recommend either buying a book or go and bother Kate." Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose and Simon grinned.

"Alright, alright. I'll go." He pressed a kiss to Y/N's cheek and jumped off of the desk. "See you later, babe."

"Mhm." Y/N sighed and Simon left the store.

Heather came back from behind the shelves. "Well that was fun. How's the devil spawn doing?"

"I don't know, why don't you go ask Ryan yourself? He's just over there." Y/N pointed across the mall to the store Ryan Torres works at.

Heather snickered but rolled her eyes.

"If you actually want to know, Simon's picking me up after my shift and we're going to hang out."

"Hang out, make out. Same thing, right?" Heather teased and Y/N shoved her in the shoulder.

Then an elderly woman came up to the counter and Y/N smiled at her.

"Hello, welcome to B. Dalton's. What can I help you with today?"


"You sure you're fine closing up on your own? I can stay-"

"Y/N, it's fine. You go hang out with your devil spawn and I'll see you at school."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow, Heather." Y/N smiled at her friend.

Only if they knew.

Y/N took off her name badge and slipped it into her backpack as she walked out of the store.

"See you later, Ryan!" Y/N called out to the boy as she passed the shop he worked at.

"Bye, Y/N!"

She walked past the huge tree in the middle of the mall and out the main door into the car park, where Simon was leaning on his car, waiting.

"Hey beautiful." He grinned and kissed her lips.

"Hey Si."

Simon wrapped his arms around her waist and Y/N's arms found their way around his neck.

"What're we going to do tonight?" She asked her boyfriend as they stood in the car park.

"I was thinking maybe we could go get a milkshake or something and then maybe make out." He replied, pressing another kiss to Y/N's lips.

"I like the sound of that."

Simon smiled as his girlfriend kissed him one last time before opening the car door.

It was just another regular day in their shitty town, maybe even a good one for Y/N and Simon. But good things don't last long in Shadyside. They never do.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now