07. un-disturbing the witch

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y/n's pov

Josh handed Kate and I headlamps.

"I can't believe you're wearing that." Deena said to Kate.

"I can't believe you're above wearing it when we're in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us."

Simon grabbed onto my hand as we walked towards the dark trees.

"This is actually terrifying." He whispered to me as we reached the car. "This is not how I wanted to spend my night."

"Hopefully tomorrow night will be better." I smiled at him.


Sam walked over to beside the car and sat on her knees. "Okay, so I fell out of the car... here." She began to crawl. "I was crawling... and my nose was bleeding, and then-"

She stopped as her hand went below the moss.

"I feel something." She pulled a long chain out from under the red moss. We all knelt down next to her.

"Chains?" Kate frowned.

"Not just chains..." I looked down at what Simon's flashlight was pointing at. A skull.

"Holy shit..."


"Oh my gosh."

"No way..."

Josh picked up the lock on the chains.

"Fier." He looked up at us. "It's her. It's her grave."

"Oh no, no, no." Simon started moving backwards, pulling me with him. "Thi- This is bad. This is really bad."

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us." Kate sounded annoyed. "I'd be pissed too! Sam disturbed her grave."

"Oh, and now she's sending her henchmen after us." Josh looked down and sighed.

Kate looked over at him, alarmed. "Henchmen? As in every one of those sickos on your wall is going to be coming after us?"

A snap came from the forest.

"Did you hear that?"

"Fucking hell." I muttered.

"Hold up, hold up." My boyfriend started speaking. "She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?"

"Yeah? So?" Deena exasperated.

"So, let's un-disturb it!" Simon said. "Just, put- put the bones back, rebury them, and- and put her to rest!"

"That's so stupid!" Deena exclaimed.

"That's genius!" Josh said.

Simon smiled. "Yeah, in- in Poltergeist!"

Another noise from the trees made us all jump.

"Whatever." A panicked Kate spoke. "Let's do it quickly so we can go."

Everyone got up and started digging a hole, collecting the bones and moving the chains. Josh stood up with his bag and moved closer to the woods.

"Okay, Okay." Simon stopped digging as Deena opened the door to Peter's car. "Deena, Deena! Find something to like, wrap her bones!"

Sam's nose started bleeding and she gasped. Deena came back with Peter's jacket and crouched next to Sam for a moment.

"Your nose-"

Deena and Simon put the jacket into the hole as I held onto the witch's bones.

"Guys? Guys, I think there's someone in the woods!" Josh called out and we quickly started putting all the bones and the chains into the hole. We quickly covered them with the jacket and more moss.

"We need to hurry!" Josh shouted to us.

"There, there." Simon patted the jacket and leaned close to it. "We're sorry."

"Did it work?" Kate asked and we looked around at each other. "Did it work?" She called out to Josh.

I looked over at the younger boy as he jumped back and yelled. A man with what seemed to be a potato sack over his head and an axe in his hands came running towards us. More specifically, Sam.

My eyes widened and I grabbed onto Simon's hand again and started running back towards the ambulance. Kate, Josh, Deena and Sam were right behind us.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I repeated and we climbed into the ambulance.

Simon yelled as Kate started driving as fast as she could, leaving the axe man behind us.

"That was the Camp Nightwing Killer!" Josh exclaimed.

"That was a bust."

"Probably because it's not like the movies, okay?" Deena snapped as she grabbed some cloth and bandages for Sam's wound. "It's not as easy as putting bones to rest."

"It should've worked." Simon sighed. "It always works!"

"Maybe it was her missing hand." Josh said.

"Who gives a shit? It doesn't matter!" Kate yelled. "Hey, how do I not die!?"

"We! How do we not die!?" Simon corrected her before turning to Josh. "And I'm looking at you, witch nerd!"

"I- I don't know." Josh panicked.

"They're not coming for us!" Sam spoke over everyone else. "They're coming for me."

Simon and I looked at each other.

"What?" Deena questioned.

"I saw her again." Sam said as she held the cloth to her shoulder. "The witch. She- I disturbed her grave. She wants me."

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Nightwing ran right by me." Josh agreed. "I jumped out of his way and it was like he didn't even see me. He went for her."

"Guys, no. Ruby attacked Simon." Deena pointed out and Simon's grip on my hand tightened. "Skull Mask came after us at home, and while you guys were babysitting!"

The ambulance then came to a sudden halt.

"No, he didn't. Skull Mask didn't care about us. He wanted this." Kate said as she climbed into the back with us and unzipped Simon's jacket. "Sam's blood."

"What the fu-" Deena looked disgusted and Josh groaned.

"Still really gross, Si." I muttered.

Simon looked down at his shirt and pointed at Sam. "Yeah! From the crash when Sam puked period! It's Jaws, dude." He was panting as he explained. "A shark smelling blood! Kate's right, when we found Skeletor, he was all sniffy and weird with my shirt, like a perv in a pantie shop!"

"Yeah, but he came to our house too." Deena said.

"Deena..." Kate was looking down at her shoes. We all followed her line of sight to see Sam's blood splattered on Deena's shoe.

"Sam bled on her bones, and now the witch wants more of her blood!" Simon cried.

"Okay, so what do they do in Jaws?" Sam asked hurriedly.

"Well, I'm pretty sure they didn't go skinny dipping with the goddamn bait!" Kate snapped.

"She's not bait!" Deena argued.

"Yeah, she is. Seriously, if we're right and they're after her..." Josh looked Deena straight in the eyes. "Then let's give these assholes what they want."

Kate nodded and climbed back into the front of the ambulance and started up the engine. I looked over at Simon worriedly and he pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

"It'll be alright..." He whispered, but I think he was trying to tell himself that. "We'll be alright."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now