35. epilogue

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Y/N and Simon sat in the Burger King with a cheeseburger and milkshake each. Simon's was chocolate and Y/N's was vanilla. They sat across from each other because it made it easier for them to talk and stare at each other.

Simon Kalivoda had never loved someone as much as he loved Y/N L/N. He did love Timothy and Kate, but it wasn't the same. He loved them like siblings, but he was in love with Y/N.

The two of them had just left Shadyside Mall, Simon picking up Y/N from her shift at B. Dalton's. They were having a great time, talking, joking, laughing, having fun. Meanwhile Heather wasn't really having fun.

It was sad to think that Y/N had no idea what was happening to her friend at the moment. That she was about to lose her life. The only thing that Y/N was thinking about in this moment was Simon. Her very pretty boyfriend, Simon.

Y/N wished they could stay in this moment forever. Just her and Simon, together. But, that's not how life works, it has to go on.

"Well," Simon spoke. "I think we should get going. Do something else."

"True." Y/N laughed. "We've been here for like three hours already."

"I have an idea of where we should go next." Simon grinned, getting up, grabbing his girlfriend's hand and pulling her to her feet.

"Where?" Y/N asked as the two of them walked out of the Burger King, milkshakes in one hand and the other's hand in the other, Simon's cold metal rings pressing against Y/N's warm skin.

"You'll see."

Simon got in the driver's seat and Y/N in the passenger. It wasn't a silent drive like it would've been if Y/N were with someone like her mother. There was something about Simon that made Y/N feel comfortable, sort of safe.

Simon parked the car just outside a small playground near his house.

"A playground?" Y/N asked. "What are we? Five?"


Simon got out of the car and sat on one of the swings,Y/N followed suit.

"So, what are we actually doing here?" Y/N asked as she gently rocked back and forth on the swing.

"I don't really know." He answered. "It's fun though."

"You are such a child." She laughed. "Heather was right."

"Yeah, but you love me."

"Nah, not really."


"Of course I do, dummy."

Simon rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop the laughter from escaping his lips.

"You're so stupid." He said. "And annoying."

"Fuck off."

"I love you too."

"No, you don't." Y/N muttered. "Asshole."

Simon then stood up, pulled Y/N up and pressed his lips against hers.

"I do." He spoke. "I really really love you."

Y/N sighed and then grinned. "I love you too. I guess."

Simon took a sip of his drink before climbing to the top of the climbing frame. He waved down at Y/N, who laughed.

"God, you really are a child."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now