21. he's dead

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okay one more ig

Daniel L/N was watching over Colour War, following around his youngest brother, when a scream was heard. Danny looked down at Mack before picking up the small boy and running towards the scream. Halfway there he bumped into Gary.

"Dude, what's going on?" Gary asked and Danny shrugged.

"I have no clue."

They made it to a cabin, where a small crowd of campers were screaming.

Danny sat down his brother on the ground. "Mack, stay here."

"Move over, please." Gary pushed his way through the crowd before letting out a gasp. "Oh shit. Danny! Come here now!"

Danny pushed through the crowd to see Jeremy's glasses in a puddle of blood. He then followed the bloody trail to see Jeremy's body. Dead.

"He's dead! Jeremy's dead!" A boy yelled as Nick Goode pushed his way to the front with Ziggy Berman beside Gary and Danny.

"You guys okay?"

"We're done." Gary called out. "Everyone get back. Hey, no! Colour War's done! Alright?"

"Get out of here!" Danny exclaimed. "Get out!"

"Let's go! Get out! Let's go!"

Nick guided Ziggy, Mack and the other campers to the Mess Hall as Danny and Gary stayed behind, shocked.

"This is so fucked." Danny sighed, looking back at Jeremy before starting to follow the campers to the Mess Hall.

"So, there's probably a serial killer on the loose..." Gary spoke softly and the boys sped up their walking.


"Alright, it branches off again here. Just stay left." Cindy spoke as she held the book in her hands.

"I cannot believe this is working." Alice smiled a little.

"It's taking too long. He could be back at camp already." Cindy said impatiently.

"If you have to kill him... could you?" Y/N suddenly asked Cindy.

"Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just... I froze." She answered. "I couldn't do anything. So, no, I... I couldn't kill anyone, much less Tommy."

"Well, good news. I would happily kill him." Alice butt in.

"God, even now, after everything," Cindy sighed. "you're... you're still a jerk."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just... I never got what you saw in him. And that was before the witch possessed him."

"Tommy..." Cindy started to talk and Y/N braced herself for heartbreak. Y/N knew that even if she tried to bury it, she was still extremely in love with Cindy Berman. "Tommy was sweet. He made me feel like... everything was going to be okay. I could trust him with anything. I loved him. I really did."

Alice glanced at Y/N before speaking up. "I loved Arnie too. I loved that gross, high little shit."

There was then a faint, deep rumble.

"Did you hear that?" Cindy looked down at the book again. "There's this space here up ahead. All roads lead here."

"Is there any other way around?"

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now