23. three guesses

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Y/N sat on the floor and sobbed uncontrollably beside Cindy and Alice.

"Ziggy!" Cindy kept on calling her little sister's name, but Ziggy was long gone. "Ziggy!"

"We have to find another way out." Alice said quietly.

"What if there's not?"

"No, no, there's gotta be. We're at the outhouse. We're at camp." Alice insisted. "Come on, get the diary. We're too close."

Y/N picked up the diary from beside her and handed it to Cindy.

"Okay, these... these tunnels." Alice spoke as Cindy began flicking through the pages. "The witch, she made them, right?"

"Yeah?" Y/N answered.

"And, 'She emerged by the Meeting House, one hand severed lost forever.'" Alice read out. "The Meeting House, which is now..."

"The Mess Hall!" It finally clicked in Y/N's head as she wiped away her tears and sat up straighter.

"Exactly. There's gotta be another way out."

"Oh god!" Cindy gasped exitedly. "Come on!"

"I'm just gonna slow you down."


"No, it's fine. I'll catch up, alright? You gotta save your sister. Go!"

Cindy and Y/N then grabbed their flashlights and started walking down another tunnel.

"Hey Y/N?"


"Do you remember the last time we talked? Like, before camp?"

She did. Very vividly. It was about a year after the snitching incident. Y/N had gone to talk to Cindy about it for Alice, as Alice was too stubborn to do it herself. And by the end of it, Y/N had kissed Cindy. Both girls still thought about that moment, quite a lot.


"I just want you to know... I didn't not like it. When you kissed me." Cindy looked over at Y/N. "I really did like it."

Y/N smiled a little.

"You know, sometimes, I imagine what it would've been like if I admitted it back then. If I didn't push you away."

"It's fine, Cindy." Y/N spoke softly. "Because we're friends again, right?"

"Of course." Cindy smiled as they reached a smaller tunnel. "There's only room for one at a time..."

"You go ahead and save Ziggy, I'll go back to help Alice."

"Okay." Cindy then rather quickly began crawling through the tunnel and Y/N ran back in the opposite direction.

"Alice?" Y/N made it back to the area where she and Cindy left her to find Alice struggling to stand up on her own.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"I'm helping you out." She slung Alice's arm around her shoulder and started taking her towards the tunnel.

"Thanks." She smiled weakly.

"It's fine. Now come on."

"Wait." Alice slipped Cindy's bag around her neck with a grin. "Just wait until you see what I found."

Once they got to the tunnel Alice insisted that Y/N went first just in case Cindy and Ziggy were in trouble, she could help more than Alice could.

Y/N made it to the end of the tunnel, where she could see a space to climb up. It was quiet so she poked her head out to see Cindy crawling towards her.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now