06. ruby lane

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y/n's pov

"We should not be this close to the police station if we're in a stolen ambulance!" Simon complained.

"Well, that's the whole point! We're hiding in plain sight." Kate stated.

"Yeah, just like Bundy." Said Josh and we all turned to look at him. "Uh, Ted Bundy. When he was stalking his victims, I mean."

"Didn't he get caught though?" Kate asked.

"Well no... I mean yeah, but..."

"You two figure this out." He gestured between Kate and Josh. "I'm gonna go take a leak."

"Have fun! I hope your dick gets cut off!" I waved and Simon smirked.

"You love my-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Simon Kalivoda." Kate glared and he sighed.

"Fine. I need to piss." He then walked off.

"So, why do you know so much about killers?" Kate asked Josh.

"Know thy enemy, right?"

Kate nodded. "You hang onto any of that candy?"

"Yeah." He handed her a chocolate bar from his pocket.

The two smiled awkwardly and I slowly moved further into the ambulance, feeling slightly like I was third wheeling.

It was quiet for a moment before Deena came speed walking out of the police station, Sam a foot or so behind her.

"What are you doing? Slow down-" Sam was saying as they approached the ambulance.

"Just walk fast." Deena then walked right up to Kate. "We need to leave."

"I think we should stay." Sam argued. "We're safe here, what if that psycho shows up again?"

"Then we'll be ready." Answered Deena, pulling out a gun.

"Holy shit!"

"What the hell?"

"Deena, what is that?!"

"Is that the cop's? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam exclaimed.

"Fuck yeah she did." Kate looked proud.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind!?" Hissed Sam.

"They didn't believe us. We're on our own." Deena told her. She then looked around us. "Where the hell is Simon?"

We all looked around.

"For god's sake." I muttered before looking at Deena. "He said he needed to piss, but he's been gone for a while." I stood up and started walking in the direction that Simon left.

I turned the corner to hear him yell. There was a girl on top of him holding some sort of blade as he struggled to push her away.

"FUCK. QUICKLY, DEENA THE GUN!" I yelled as the rest of the group came running after me.

Deena shot the girl a few times in the head and she fell to the ground. Simon lay there shocked for a moment before getting up.

"SIMON, COME ON!" Kate yelled and he started running full speed towards us, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"GO, GO, COME ON, LET'S GO!" Josh was shouting.

Simon grabbed onto my hand and pulled me with him as we all ran back to the ambulance.


We all made it back into the ambulance and the second the doors closed Kate was driving. Simon wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my shoulder, his breathing was quick and he was shaking. He sat like that the whole drive until we got to Deena's house.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now