33. goode is evil

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y/n's pov

"Mount up." Was all Deena said to us before she left. Now, I was opening the gate to B. Dalton's, letting out Nightwing.

I watched as Nick ran up to Ziggy and trapped her in his arms.

"Deena!" He called out. "Get them away from me! If I die, she dies!"

Ziggy screamed as Nick shouted.

"Get back! Go away! Get back!"

Nick then let go of Ziggy and yelled out in pain as Skull Mask stabbed him in the back.

"Your blood is on her!" Nick shouted as Milkman grabbed Ziggy, licking her. "It's on Ziggy!"

I watched as Deena picked the knife up off the floor and sliced her hand again. The blood took the killers's attentions away from Ziggy—which was a good thing—but also drew attention away from Nick, who ran off.

"Go! Go! We got em!" Josh yelled and Deena began running, skull mask close behind.

Just before skull mask could grab her, Martin smacked him with a chair. Deena ran to the Psycho's this way door as Josh, Martin and I made it into one of the stores.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god! No, no, no!" Martin kept on muttering as Grifter walked closer.

"We're fucked!" I exclaimed, then paused. Simon said the exact same thing the night before.

"It's my shirt, it's covered in her blood!" Ziggy snapped me back to reality. She then threw the shirt out of the store and we closed the gate.

"Go! We'll handle them!" Josh called out and Deena ran through the door.

We then all just stared through the gate at the killers.

"Okay, we need a Plan B." Martin spoke. "Like now."

"No..." Josh said and I turned to face him. "We just need more Plan A. We get the guns, shoot the killers."

"And they'll turn on each other." I realised what Josh was saying.


"That's genius!"

We then all quickly lifted the gate and grabbed the guns, then each of us shot a killer before moving back into the store.

"I got that creepy perv motherfucker right in the bullseye." Martin said, talking about the Milkman. "This is gonna work, right?"

The Grifter then picked up Milkman and threw him onto the ground.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked as all of the killers started attacking each other very brutally.

"Guys?" Martin said and I looked over to see the Psycho's This Way closing.

"We lost Sam." Josh said.



We stared at the pile of dark gloop and killer body parts.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now