34. back to school

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y/n's pov-

Deena and Sam were found in Sunnyvale just outside Nick Goode's house after the mall. Nobody knew how they got there until the passage was found.

After a day off school, mom wanted me to go back. It was weird cause now she was suddenly less of a bitch as usual.

"All is no longer good in Sunnyvale." The newscaster spoke and I snorted. "New evidence continues to surface implicating Union County Sheriff Nicholas Goode the Sunnyvale serial killer. The family maintains they had no knowledge of Sheriff Goode's horrifying secret."

"Fucking bullshit." I muttered and turned off the Tv.

Imogen came and sat beside me on the couch, resting her head on my arm.

"Hey, hey!" I winced. "Watch out!"

My arm was still seriously sore after Skull Mask had cut it.

"Sorry." She muttered. "I was just wondering if you could drive me to school today?"

Tuesdays were usually Simon's day to drive, but...

"Yeah, I can drive."

"Cool!" Imogen jumped to her feet and picked up her bag. "Well, let's go now or we'll be late."

"Alright, alright." I got up off the couch and grabbed my own bag. "Let's go then."

I pulled into a free bay and Imogen got out.

"Also make sure you check out the sign." She said before running off into the school.

I got out of the car, locked it and turned around to see the sign.


I just stood there and stared at their names until I heard two familiar voices from behind me.

"Pick you up later."

"You not coming in?"

I turned around and smiled when I saw Deena and Josh.

"Nah, I got something to do."


"Bye Deena." I waved to my friend as she left.

"See you."

Josh turned to face me.

"Hey, how're you doing?"

"I'll survive. How's your arm?" I asked.

"I'll survive."

Josh and I then walked over to Martin, who was selling crap out of the back of his car.

"No CDs, no tapes, no skipping. Look, check that out." He handed it to a girl. "It's perfect."

"This thing is bigger than my Discman."

"Yeah, yeah, you know, but look, it fits all your jams and it's portable."

"So, it's a radio?" The girl asked.

"No, no, it's not. You know what?" Martin snatched it from the girl. "Fuck it! Y'all have no fucking vision."

"I'm telling you, man. It's still too big." Josh said to Martin.

"You need a SSD." A girl said and we turned to face her. "Solid State Drive."

The school bell rang.

"Flash compression?" She continued and went to sign Josh's cast. "It'll help with your, uh, size problems. Find me online if you want to chat."

She then walked off and I read off Josh's cast.

"Queen of air and darkness?" I read.

"Wait, what?" Josh looked down at the cast with wide eyes. "Holy shit."


"Nothing. It's fine."

We then walked into school. The first time being at a school without Simon and Kate.

I walked down the hall to my locker and so many random kids who I didn't even know started talking to me.

"I'm sorry."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Did Kate and Simon die?"

"Shit, how am I going to get drugs now?"

"Sorry about your friends."

"What happened to your arm?"

"Who are you again?"

"How'd they die?"

"I'm really sorry about what happened."

Most of them didn't even know Simon and Kate apart from the drugs, some of them not at all. It wasn't fair. I looked at Kate's locker as I passed it and it looked just like Heather's did. I walked even further down the hall and saw Simon's.

There weren't as many notes on his as on Heather's or Kate's, which hurt. I stood in the hall and stared at his locker for so long that it physically hurt.

"Miss L/N." I turned my head to find an empty hallway, except for the vice principal Mrs Wilson.

I wiped my eyes quickly and forced a smile. "Hi, Mrs Wilson."

She walked towards me. "What are you doing out here?"

"I...Um-" Mrs Wilson looked from me to the locker then back at me with a sympathetic look. "Miss L/N, I think you need to go home. Get some more rest."

I sighed. "I'm fine, really."

"Y/N, please. I know Simon and Kate were your friends and their deaths are very hard on you. Please, just go home. You won't be in trouble."

I nodded. "Thank you, Mrs Wilson."

I then got in the car and started driving home.

i'm currently writing the epilogue so hopefully that'll be done soon

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now