32. the killers

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y/n's pov

"Everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shitty people," Deena said to us. "That bad things happen here because we're bad, that we deserve what we have coming."

Kate and Simon didn't deserve what they got.

"That's how it was for Sarah, and that's how it's been for us. But it's all bullshit. Okay, just because we're weird and smart and different doesn't mean they can feed us through their meat grinder. Not anymore. It's been three centuries. No one else has gotten this far. It stops here... tonight. It stops with us. We're gonna kill this motherfucker. For Sarah. For Kate and Simon. For Cindy. For all of us. For Shadyside."

I was crying at this point. Only a little, but I missed Simon and Kate so much.

"Now, let's do this."

We all knelt down around the bucket. Josh put a hand on my shoulder as I wiped tears from my eyes. Deena then pulled out a knife and cut her palm the same way she had cut Sam's the night before. She dropped some of the blood into a bucket of water and then we began to set it up.

Setting up the blue lights, putting bells by the door, using glowing spray paint to make arrows and insults to Goode, tying ropes to the gates, adding glow in the dark stuff to the blood water and filling up the guns, we made trails leading into the stores. It took a while, but soon we were finished.

"Okay, cut it!" I heard Deena yell.

"Cut it!" I yelled to Martin and he cut the power.

The blue emergency lights all flicked on and the spray paint lit up. I spun around to see the pain behind me.


Then the bells rang and footsteps echoed through the mall.

"Shit." I muttered and nodded to Ziggy, telling her to hide. Martin walked out the doors behind me and I pulled him over to where Ziggy was.

"Jesus, careful!" He whispered.

"Be quiet!" I hissed.


"There's someone here!" Ziggy told him.

"Police! Hands up! Hands up!" We turned around to see Officer Kapinski pointing his gun and flashlight at us.

"Listen! You don't have any idea what's going on!"

"No, no, no." Martin tried to stop Ziggy.

"You're going to die if you don't listen to me."

"We good! No, no, no, no. We good. We cool." He put his hands up.

"Martin?" Officer Kapinski realised.

"Yeah, yeah!" Martin smiled and waved.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I got two more over here!" Another cop's voice echoed.

"We got the 5150-" Officer Kapinski was cut off by a groan. He then dropped to the floor to reveal the milkman behind him.

"Oh!" Martin screamed. "Oh my- Holy! What is that?"

Ziggy and I helped Martin to his feet quickly.

"We need to go!" We started running. I heard gunshots echoing from behind me before we crouched in front of a store.

"Okay. I need you to focus because the plan is still on, okay?" Ziggy told him.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're leaving?" Martin freaked out, looking from Ziggy to me.

"Hold fast." Ziggy started collecting the rope.

"Stay out of their way." I reassured him. "They'll walk right by you."

Ziggy handed Martin the rope and we were gone.

"Okay, I'll take B. Daltons." I said. "The gate there is kinda shitty, but I know how to fix it."

"Okay." I ran ahead as Ziggy ran in a different direction.

I slid beside the store and grabbed onto the rope.

My breathing went shaky as Nightwing- Tommy -approached me. He walked into the store quickly and as he got to the back of the store I pulled the rope. He spun around as the door got stuck.

I jumped up and started forcing the gate down with my foot.

"Come on, hurry up, you piece of shit." I muttered frantically before the gate finally shut.

Nightwing smashed his axe against the gate and I flipped him off.

"That's for killing my boyfriend, you dickhead."


"Where's Y/N?" I heard Josh ask just as I reached the counter.

"I'm here!" I said as I slid over. "I got Nightwing. How many's that?"

"Four." Ziggy answered. "We have four."

"So Nightwing, Milkman- Who else?" I asked.

"Skull Mask."

"No Ruby?" Deena asked.

"I don't know. We need to keep an eye on..."

"Who'd you get?" I asked Josh.


"Yo- Yo, yo! Why'd it get so quiet?" Martin asked.

We peered over the counter to see none of the killers moving.

"It's him." Said Ziggy and she went to stand up.

"Wait, you don't have to do this." Deena told her.

"Yes I do." She then climbed over the counter.

Then the bell rang.

so all my pre written chapters are done so i have to write them as they're being published now.
i'm going camping over the weekend so i won't write any chapters or publish anything until monday (possibly).

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now