09. another way

339 13 16

y/n's pov

Simon and I sat on top of the desk we were now using as a barricade, our backs leaning on the door, trying our best to keep the Nightwing Killer out as he pounded on the door with his axe.

"Camp Nightwing, Summer of '78." Sam read off the paper. "Group of campers, brutal massacre."

"There was one Shadyside survivor." Josh told her. "C. Berman."

"'The still traumatised girl claims that amidst the carnage she saw the witch.'"

"Yeah, just like you. So, if she survived, I'm pretty sure-"

"-there may be a way for me to live too."

Simon was holding a stool against the door as I held onto the door handle.

"I got it! C. Berman! 9006 Brennan Way." Kate read from the phone book she had been flipping through. "This has gotta be her!"

Deena jumped up and ran over to the phone, grabbing it off the wall.

"Uh, 155-4747!" Kate called out.

"No one's answering." Deena muttered.

"WE NEED SOME HELP HERE!" Simon yelled.

Kate ran over to us as Deena said. "No one's there!"

"Hi, hello my name is Deena Johnson. I think you saw the witch?" She said frantically into the phone.

Simon flinched as the axe made it through the door, quite close to his head.


"NO SHIT, SIMON!" I yelled back.

"We need to know how you survived!"

Josh pulled the phone towards himself. "Hey, we're being attacked, alright? There are killers here!"

The axe made it through further and Simon jumped again.

"If you're there, please pick up! Please answer!" She paused for a moment before slamming the phone down. "FUCK, NO!"

Nightwing's hand made it through the wall and he grabbed onto Simon's face and then his hair, struggling to pull him through the small hole in the door.

"HELP!" Kate screamed as I tried to pull Nightwing's fingers out of my boyfriend's hair. "HELP US!"

"HELP!" Simon was yelling random curses as he slapped Nightwing's hand.


Josh grabbed a compass from the random clutter that had fallen off the desk and stabbed the sharp side into the back of Nightwing's hand, causing him to let go.

Kate and I pulled Simon back from the door as Nightwing went back to slamming his axe into the door.

"She died!" Sam called out to Deena.

"What? No, she's alive, that's the whole point." Deena ran over to her... girlfriend? ex-girlfriend?

"Yeah, she survived, but first she died."

Simon was using his legs to push onto the door and I was crouched near the ground, leaning on it with my back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled to myself.

"'C. Berman was found in the woods.'" Deena read. "'Her heart had stopped, but local boy performed CPR'"

"What if this is it?" Sam asked. "What if that's how she survived? Her heart stopped. She survived by dying."

"What is it? The fucking rhyme." Deena turned and started shouting to us. "THE FUCKING RHYME!"

Simon yelled back while holding a microscope as a weapon. "SHE'LL TAKE YOUR BLOOD, SHE'LL TAKE YOUR HEAD. SHE'LL FOLLOW YOU-"

"-until you're dead." Deena and Sam finished. The two of them began talking quietly to one-another as we struggled holding off the killers.

"Aghhh." Simon was pushed sideways by the door.

"What are you saying?!" Kate called out to them as Nightwing's axe hit the door faster and faster.

"Fuck it. I'm dying tonight one way or another." Sam spoke up. "Let's try to bring me back."

"Come on! Out the window!" Deena pointed and soon she, Sam and Josh had gone.

"Shit." Kate followed them.

"Simon come on!" I exclaimed as he grabbed a pen and shit off the floor.

"You first." He said to me.

"Come on!" Deena yelled.

I looked him in the eyes. "See you in a minute." I then jumped out of the window and onto the grass below.

"Alright, Simon, hurry!" I called out to him and he jumped down.

"Back to the ambulance!" Kate shouted and we all started running.

"Let's do it!" Simon yelled as we ran.

We reached the ambulance and all climbed in. As Simon got in he closed the door behind him.

"Let's Timothy this bitch."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now