11. it's over

390 12 35


y/n's pov

I was breathing shakily as I sat up.

It did work. The killers were gone.

"JOSH! Y/N! COME HELP ME!" Deena screamed as she pulled Sam's body from the water. "GET THE PENS! GET THE PENS! HELP ME! GO GET THE EPIPENS!"

Josh got to his feet and ran off as I slowly started moving towards Deena, who was dragging Sam's body to the ground, as I held my now bleeding arm.

"Sam..." Deena gasped.

"JOSH! HURRY!" She called out to her brother, who came running back with his hands full of the epipens.

"Here, here, here." He dropped them onto the floor beside Deena and I. She then immediately started stabbing them into Sam's chest.

"Are you doing it right?" Josh asked.

"I don't know. I don't know."


"I don't think it's working." Josh said.


"It has to work. It has to!" Deena cried. "It has to. Sam? Sam?"

"Deena!" She looked over at me. "The epipens won't work. They were for the OD, not fucking drowning her."

"Everyone's dead." Josh had started to cry. "Simon... Kate..."

"No. No, Sam!" Deena grabbed her face. "I will not let you do this."

She then started giving Sam CPR.

"Come on! Come on." Deena cried. "Come on, Sam. One, two, three. Come on, Sam. Come on. Come on, Sam! One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four."

White foam came out of Sam's mouth and she sat up, coughing.

Josh looked at her shocked and Deena smiled as she vomited white foam all over the tiled floor.

Deena pulled Sam's head onto her lap.

"It's over." She muttered. "It's over."

Josh sighed and lied down on his back.

"It's okay." Deena told Sam. "It's over. It's over."

As the two hugged I stood up shakily, still gripping my bloody arm. I started walking down the aisle that Josh, Skull Mask and I had just been in.

Josh then called out "Y/N? Where are you-" He stopped himself. He knew. "Oh."

Once I got to the end, I spotted him in a second. Those bright orange pants made him stick out like a sore thumb.

His blood covered his entire face and was creating a large puddle on the floor. It was everywhere.

I sat on my knees beside him, blood soaking into my pants as I cried.

I let go of my wound and ran my hand through Simon's matted, bloody, blonde hair. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his chest.

I had done that before, but back then I could hear a heartbeat.

I stayed there until Josh put his hand on my shoulder.

"We've got to go." He said and I nodded.

I pressed a kiss to Simon's cold hand and stood up, wiping my eyes.

"I'm okay."

I wasn't.


A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now