29. witch hunt

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y/n's pov

I stood with Abi, Lizzie and Isaac as we watched Elijah give a speech. They already caught Hannah and locked her in chains.

"As sure as the sun rises, we will purge Union of this... wretched pollution!" Elijah pushed Hannah to the ground. "We will search every house, every inch of wood! We will not rest and we will not have mercy!"

"No mercy!" The crowd yelled and Isaac grabbed my hand.

"So help me, God, we will be cleansed of these anathemas!"

The crowd shouted again. "Yeah!"

"We will have our justice!"


Lizzie gave me an extremely worried look before looking back at Elijah as he yelled.


"FIND HER!" The crowd yelled.

Two men yanked Hannah to her feet and took her into the meeting house to lock her up.

Abi looked around at us with worry before she gestured to us to follow her. We all headed to the Berman home and sat around the kitchen table. We sat in complete silence, the only thing heard was Lizzie's heavy breathing.

"Sarah..." Abi was the first to speak after a few minutes. "Sarah isn't a witch! She couldn't be! She- And Hannah! They're so quick to make assumptions! Sarah and Hannah didn't do anything!"

"I hate the men of Union." Lizzie spoke before turning to Isaac. "Apart from you, Isaac."

He nodded, but kept his eyes on the table. I could tell that being liked by Lizzie wasn't really taking up his thoughts, but something else was.

I knew that Sarah and Hannah were not witches, but I did know what they did do. And it was none of my business to tell anyone, especially considering it would just get them in even more trouble.

We all jumped at the sound of yelling coming closer to the door.

"Come on out, Sarah Fier! Sarah Fier!"

There was pounding on the door, but we were all too frightened to answer it.

"Let us in or we'll break this door down!" I could tell it was Caleb on the other side of the door. "Come on, Berman!"

Isaac then stood up and approached the front door.

"Go away, Caleb! She isn't here." He told them but they pounded on the door again.

"Isaac! Let us in! I'll give you three seconds!"

"Go away!"

"One... Two..."

Isaac opened the door as Caleb said three, causing him to fall through the empty doorway and onto the floor.

"Well, well, well." Caleb smirked, looking around our small group. "Looky-looky what we've got here."

"Get out of my home, Caleb!" Abi told him but Caleb ignored her, focusing all of his attention on Isaac. My Isaac.

"What's going on here, Kalivoda?"

"Caleb, go find someone else to harass. Sarah isn't here." Isaac's hand curled into a fist.

Caleb looked around until his eyes met mine.

"Have they been checked?"

"Yes." Isaac didn't miss a beat, even if it was a lie.

"Now, now, Isaac." Caleb walked closer to me. "I think you're lying to me. I don't believe this one here has been."

I took a step back and Caleb grabbed me by the arm and spun me around, untying my corset.

"Get off of me!" I yelled but Caleb's grip only tightened.

As I felt the cold air hit my back there was a loud smacking noise and Caleb's grip on me was completely gone. I ran over to Abi and Lizzie, who immediately tried to help me dress again.

"She said, get off." Isaac hissed, glaring at Caleb who was now on the ground. "Now get out, Caleb."

Caleb scrunched his nose in disgust, stood up and brushed himself off before walking back to the two other men by the door.

"Fine." Then the door slammed shut and they were gone.

I let out a sigh of relief as my dress was fixed and Caleb was gone.

"Thank you." I said softly to Abi and Lizzie before walking over to Isaac. He immediately took my face into his hands and examined it.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He panicked.

"I'll be fine." I said shakily and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you so much, my beautiful Y/N." He whispered. "More than anything."

"I love you too, Isaac." I replied. "So much."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now