30. hang the "witches"

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y/n's pov

Sarah was caught just as the sun began to rise the next morning by the person I least expected.

Solomon Goode.

He caught her just outside the meeting house with one hand and one severed, bloody stump of where her hand was. Sarah was immediately chained up with Hannah and the moment there was enough light, they were to be hanged.

I walked behind the rest of the group with my friends, looking at the sky that was growing brighter by the minute and wishing that it wasn't Sarah and Hannah who were being hanged, but someone else. Someone who wasn't my friend, who I didn't care about.

Once we reached the tree, Sarah and Hannah were forced in front of it, facing the group.

"The penalty for practicing witchcraft is death by hanging!" Elijah yelled from beside the girls.

"Hang them! Hang the witches!" The crowd shouted and Isaac grabbed my hand and looked at me with a disappointed look. "Hang them!"

"Confess!" Elijah said to the girls. "Confess your sins or burn in eternal hell. Confess! Confess!"

Sarah and Hannah looked at each other, Sarah with an almost sorry look on her face.

"Confess!" Mad Thomas yelled.

Sarah whispered something and Hannah's eyes widened. She began shaking her head and protesting.

"No! No!"

"I confess!" Sarah then yelled out. "I walked with the Devil..."

"No! She's lying!" Elijah cupped his hand over Hannah's mouth.

"...I lay with him! I bewitched the good Pastor. And I bewitched..." She paused and looked over to her lover. "Hannah Miller. I clouded her mind!" She then spoke softly to herself. "It was me! It was only me! It was always me. Hannah's innocent."

"Let her go." Solomon spoke to his brother.

The second Elijah's hand left her mouth, Hannah started screaming and thrashing.

"No! No! No! No! No!"

Solomon then walked up to Sarah and began wrapping chains around her. I couldn't tell what was going on, but from where I stood it seemed that Sarah was speaking to Solomon with a look of disgust. When the chains were wrapped and the noose was around Sarah's neck, people began shouting again.

"Hang her! Witch! Hang her! Hang the witch!"

They threw the rope over the tree branch and men grabbed the other side, preparing to pull Sarah up. To kill her.

Elijah raised his arm, and when he dropped it, the men started pulling the rope, lifting Sarah into the air.

I buried my teary face into Isaac's shoulder and tried to block out the noise.

I could hear Sarah struggling to breathe, the rope creaking, the crowd yelling, all of it.

Then she went silent, and so did the crowd. I opened my eyes and let out a sob when I saw Sarah just hanging there.

Then the crowd left. It started off as just one or two people, but then it was the whole large group, just leaving in silence. I looked over at Hannah, who was bawling her eyes out on the grass as the men pulled Sarah's body down and stuck her into a small hole below the tree.


That night, Hannah, Lizzie, Abi, Isaac and I dug up her body.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We can't just leave her here, alone underneath this tree." Spoke Lizzie.

"She deserves a proper burial." Abi agreed.

"Let's move her, bury her somewhere else." Isaac suggested and I grabbed a rather large rock from beside the tree. "So no one else knows where she is."

Then we all spoke in unison. "Except us."

I carved into the rock with a nail.

"The Wytch Forever Lives"

We then picked up Sarah's body and placed her on the grass. I placed the rock in the hole and we filled it up before carrying Sarah into the woods.

"Over here." Hannah said and we stopped. "By this rock."

We dug another hole and lied Sarah's body in it. Hannah carved Sarah's last name, Fier, onto the lock. She then placed a pink flower crown, the same one she wore the other night, onto Sarah's head. We filled in the hole and soon after, we left.


A month later Union seemed to go back to normal. They acted as if nothing had happened.

And Isaac and I didn't get to run away. In fact, I was forced into an arranged marriage exactly two months after Sarah's hanging. I tried to protest, to tell my parents that I didn't want to. But it didn't matter what I wanted.

I still saw Isaac frequently around town. I was still extremely in love with him, and he with I. I wanted to leave my forced marriage with my horrible husband, but yet again, it didn't matter what I wanted.

It never mattered.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now