17. dinner and arguements

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Once Y/N reached the Mess Hall, the other councelors and the campers were all already inside and eating.

Y/N took a seat across from Danny, who was staring at Joan like a creep.

"She said, one way or another, I was going to die tonight." Tommy told the group.

"Spooky!" Gary teased.

"The kiddos are right. That's, like, totally witchy behaviour." Joan said with wide eyes and Danny nodded in agreement.

"It's just, there must be some explanation. The witch isn't real."

"Says who?" Y/N asked.

"Like what?" Tommy asked Cindy.

"Well, maybe..." Cindy spotted the joint in Joan's hands. "Maybe she was on something."

Joan scoffed. "Drugs are peaceful, not violent."

Danny nodded again and Y/N rolled her eyes. Daniel L/N had definitely never done drugs.

"I'm not talking about marijuana."

"Just admit you're jealous that the witch wanted your hubby all to herself!" Gary hugged Tommy and started making kissy-faces

Tommy pushed him off. "Be serious, man. Why would Nurse Mary wanna do something like that? Why would she want me dead?"

"Oh, no, she wouldn't." Gary spoke, sounding serious. Joan and Y/N then had massive grins on their faces.

"But the witch might." The three laughed.

"Hey, they're just playing around." Cindy said softly. "This was nothing, I promise."

"Did you see her eyes?" Tommy asked. "I don't kno- there was something in there, something wrong."

Kurt started clapping and walking up to the front of the Mess Hall. "Alright!"

He then stood up on a coffee table.

"Chicks, dicks, listen up!" He shouted. "We had a scary situation earlier, but we cannot let that mess with the most important night of our summer."

The entire Hall was silent as they listened to Kurt's bullshit.

"Tonight, is Sunnyvale versus Shadyside. It is red versus blue! It is good versus evil!"

Y/N rolled her eyes and Danny stuck his tongue out.

"Tonight, we commencicate Colour War!" Kurt shouted and the campers cheered.

"It's 'commence.' My god." Gary corrected the illiterate councillor.

"He might be dumb, but he's kind of shagadelic." Joan said, eyeing Kurt.

Danny's face fell after hearing that comment.

"Oh yeah!" Kurt was yelling.

"He's disgusting." Y/N said to Joan.

"You're disgusting." Gary agreed.

"Tonight's first event is Capture the Flag, baby." Kurt lifted Sunnyvale's red flag as more campers cheered. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Now, Sunnyvalers..."

Kurt began to whisper. "We have never, ever... LOST A COLOUR WAR." He was now talking normally again. "So, let's not let tonight be a stain on our legacy."

All the Sunnyvale campers were now chanting.

"And let's go out there," Kurt was speaking again. "like our ancestors before us, and MURDER those Shadyside witches!"

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now