20. tommy goes crazy

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"We are out of here." Arnie made his way back into the basement where Tommy was sitting. "Let's go, man."

As Arnie walked closer to Tommy he frowned. "Hey, you alright, man?" He crouched in front of his friend. "Hello? Hello?"

In the small cavern, Y/N and Alice looked from the wall to each other.

"We've gotta tell Cindy." Alice whispered and Y/N nodded. She turned around as Cindy was pulling books off the small shelf beside her and shining her flashlight behind it.

The two girls ran over to Cindy and Y/N grabbed her shoulder. "We need to show you something."

"This place," Cindy said as she looked behind the shelf. "it keeps going."

"Now, Cindy." Alice and Y/N led her over to the wall, shining their flashlights on it.

"Cyrus Miller." Y/N read out. "Billy Barker. Ruby Lane."

"Isaac Milton. Harry Rooker." Alice joined in. "You don't need to go to class to know those names."

"Shadyside killers."  Cindy muttered.

"Yeah, except one." Y/N pointed her flashlight at the very bottom name.

Thomas Slater

"Tommy? Y/N, that's not funny."

"What, you think we carved your boyfriend's name into solid stone with just our fingernails?" Alice scoffed, unamused.

"Someone else did this." Y/N said, thinking of Nurse Lane's words earlier that day.

"I saw your name, on the wall."

"Tommy?" Arnie leaned in front of the boy, who was zoned out and staring at the ground. "Hello?"

Arnie stood up and sighed. "Whatever you're on, man, thanks for sharing." As he walked of he pat Tommy's shoulder and muttered under his breath. "Dick."

As Y/N, Cindy and Alice came back into the basement, Tommy stood up and walked over to the wall.

"Tommy?" Cindy asked as the boy grabbed the axe that was hanging on the wall.

"What the hell are you doing man?" Arnie's smile dropped. "Tommy?"

Tommy slammed the axe into Arnie's face and then pulled it out, blood spilling everywhere. Once. Twice. Three times.

"Oh my god! No, no, Tommy!" Cindy freaked out as the other girls screamed. "Stop! Tommy, stop!"

Arnie's blood coated Tommy's face as he turned around and faced the girls.

"Come on! Come on!" Cindy pushed Alice and Y/N back into the cave with the witch's mark as Tommy walked towards them, axe in hand.

"Fuck!" Alice screamed.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Y/N repeated. "shit, shit, shit. We're gonna die!"

Once they made it through Cindy ran over to the bookshelf. "Here. Help me."

The three girls then managed to knock the shelf down and screamed when Tommy entered the room.

"Go, go, go!" Cindy ushered Alice into the tunnel first, then Y/N, before she followed.

"Fuck! We're so fucking dead!" Y/N yelled as they crawled as fast as they could through the small tunnel.

"No! No!" Cindy screamed as Tommy grabbed her ankle, pulling her back.

"CINDY!" Y/N grabbed onto Cindy's arms as she kicked Tommy away. Tommy was pushed into the stone roof, causing the small tunnel to begin caving in.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now