28. pastor miller

268 11 14

y/n's pov

"George! Phoebe!" I called out, looking around for my younger siblings. "I made food! Phoebe! George!"

I walked outside, looking around.

"George? Phoebe?" I started walking out the gate and noticed a large crowd surrounding the meeting house.

People were screaming, crying, and yelling. That's when I realized something was definitely wrong.

I sped up my walking, which soon turned into a run as I neared the meeting house.

"What's going on?" I ran up to my father. "Where are Phoebe and George?"

My father grimaced. "They're in there. Pastor Miller locked all the children in the meeting house."

I gasped before pushing further into the crowd and bumping into Abigail.

"Watch where you- Y/N!" Abi grabbed my hand. "Are Phoebe and George-?"


She gasped and squeezed my hand.

My eyes searched the crowd, looking for the man I loved.

That's when I spotted him, Isaac, running with Sarah and Mad Thomas.

"Abi, come on." We then ran after them to the side door of the meeting house.

The men were ramming themselves into the door, desperate to open it, to find the children.




The door then crashed open and it went quiet.

Solomon turned to his brother. "Keep everyone back."

"Solomon, wait!" Sarah tried to push forward as he picked up a pitchfork from beside the door.

As Sarah tried to push through, Isaac stood up in front of the doorway, keeping her back.

"Let me in! No!" Women screamed and yelled, but I just stood in front of Isaac with a frown.

"Henry! Henry!" Sarah called out for her brother.

"Where's my husband?" Mrs Miller tried to push past Isaac and Elijah. "What's happening in there? Let me go! Let me go! Cyrus!"

"Constance..." Abi cried softly from beside me.

"Isaac," I looked him in the eyes. "Please, let me in. Phoebe... George... Please, Isaac."

He looked away from me with a sorrowful look and I sighed.

"Our children!" A woman gasped as everyone started to push past Elijah, Caleb and Isaac. "Our children!"

I met eyes with Isaac again as I slowly walked past him and into the meeting house.

I heard Abi scream and I sped up. Sarah screamed soon after.

I saw the familiar heads of my siblings as my mother crouched in front of them. She let out a cry and that's when I knew.

I saw Abi. She had red, puffy eyes and was sniffling. "Constance, she's..."

I knelt down beside my mother to see Phoebe and George sitting beside each other, both without any eyes. Tears immediately flooded my eyes as I sobbed into my mother's shoulder.

"My babies." She sobbed. "My babies..."

"Sarah!" Solomon yelled and I turned my head to see him impale Pastor Miller with the pitchfork.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now