25. union

349 10 11

y/n's pov

I set bowls out on the table as my mother served out the food to my sister.

"Y/N, do me a favour and go get your father and brother from the yard?"

"Yes, mother." I said and opened the front door. I glanced at the house across from us to see him already looking my way.

He smiled at me as he wiped the sweat away from his forehead and I smiled in return.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" I quickly spun my head around to see my father looking at me with furrowed brows and my little brother, George, standing behind him.

"Oh." I paused. "Mother asked me to come find you two for breakfast."

George's eyes lit up and he ran past me and into the house.

My father took one look at Isaac, who quickly went back to shovelling horse droppings, and sighed.

"Inside. Now."

"Yes, father."

I rushed inside and took a seat at the table beside Phoebe and my father closed the door behind him.

"Y/N, I need you to deliver a dozen eggs to the Bermans today." Mother told me as we cleared the table after everyone ate. "I've got things to do."

"Yes, mother."

"The eggs are by the door."

"Yes, mother."

I brushed off my skirt and picked up the basket of eggs before opening the door and making my way outside. Before starting my journey to the Berman residence to find Abigail, I walked over to Isaac.

"A full moon rises before nightfall." I spoke softly and he smiled his beautiful smile.

"A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land." He replied. "You look beautiful this morning, darling."

"Why thank you, Isaac." I felt my cheeks warm . "I have to go deliver these to the Bermans but I'll see you at nightfall."

"Of course."

I smiled before heading off to the Berman home. I knocked on the door and Abigail opened it.

"Oh, Y/N!" She waved me inside.

Abigail Berman was my best friend and I loved her dearly.

"My mother requested I deliver these." I held up the basket of eggs.

"Give her my thanks." Abigail smiled before carrying the eggs over to the table. "Mother kept on insisting we get more."

"A full moon rises before nightfall." I said and Abigail spun around with a grin.

"A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land." She replied in our code. "I'll take it Isaac's going too?"

"Of course he is."

Abigail's eyes drifted off to something outside.

"Oh my goodness!" She sighed before rushing outside over to her sister. Abi grabbed Constance's arm as she stopped singing.

"Don't be a brat, Constance." She hissed.

"Don't be a shrew, Abigail." I then followed the two girls as Abigail led them over to Sarah Fier.

"Sarah." Abigail smiled. "A full moon rises before nightfall."

"A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land." Sarah replied, looking from Abi to me.

"Oh, I'm coming too!" Constance looked between us.

"No, you're not."

"Fine, then I'm telling mother."

"You tell mother and I'll cut the braids clean off your head!" Abi dragged Constance back over to their home.

"Good day, Sarah." I nodded my head and headed off home.

"Good day to you too, Y/N."

As I neared my home, I met Lizzie, who also repeated our code.

I passed Isaac again as I reached the front of my house, but I didn't even look his way as mother was watching from the window.

I opened the front door and was immediately met with the face of my father.


"Hello father."

"We need to have a talk."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now