14. camp nightwing

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yeah so it's in third person now cause it's ziggy telling the story. if that makes sense.

"Are you sure you saw them go this way?" Nick Goode asked as he walked through the forest with two other councelors.

"Positive." Y/N told him as they got closer to the old hanging tree.

"This is going to be a waste of time." Kurt groaned.

"Then piss off, Kurt." The girl snapped. "You don't have to come. I'm sure Nick and I can deal with it."

The blonde boy muttered something under his breath as they reached the edge of the forest. The three councelors then saw Ziggy Berman hanging from the tree by her hands and Sheila holding a lighter to her arm.

As they ran over to the tree Nick blew his whistle, causing the campers to jump.

"Shit, Will, it's your brother!" One of the girls exclaimed.

"What is this? Let her down!" Nick yelled.

"Nick, I can explain." Said Nick's younger brother, Will.

"Let her down, Will! I swear to god I'll tell Mom!" Nick ordered.

Will untied the rope from the tree and Ziggy fell to the floor. Y/N knelt beside the younger girl.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"Okay, does someone want to explain what the hell was going on here?" Kurt asked the five campers as he began pacing in front of them. "Sheila?"

"Well, I went back to my cabin, the door was open. And next thing I knew all my money was gone and Ziggy was just sprinting away." Sheila told him.

"Because you were chasing me!" The red headed girl stated.

"Ziggy! You talk when I tell you to talk." Kurt stopped pacing and Ziggy rolled her eyes.

"Kurt!" Y/N mimicked the boy. "You deal with your psychotic campers and I'll deal with mine."

"Did you see her take it?" Nick asked Will.

"Everyone did." His brother answered.

"Everyone." Sheila's two little minions repeated.

"Alright. Well that's it, Berman." Kurt put his whistle back around his neck. "Five strikes. You're out."

"I'm out?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"She's out?" Y/N looked at Kurt, unamused.

"They just tried to murder me!" Ziggy exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I'll deal with them. But first, get back to camp, call Mommy because you're done at Nightwing." Kurt's voice came down to a quiet, mimicking whisper.

"I didn't do it." Ziggy folded her arms.

"Oh, yeah? Just like you didn't set the camp flag on fire? Or let out the camp rabbits? Or graffiti the outhouse stalls?"

"I'm pretty sure that's only four, Kurt." Y/N pointed out and Kurt ignored her.

"I warned you-"

"Kurt." Sheila got his attention. "It's not her fault, really."

Everyone looked at the girl, confused.

"She's possessed by Sarah Fier." She teased Ziggy.

"Oh, you-" Ziggy was about to approach Sheila, but Nick wrapped his arms around her, preventing her from moving.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now