22. the nightwing massacre

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1666 is so hard to write and i'm only 3 chapters in

Alice was grunting in pain on the floor when Cindy and Y/N found her.

"Alice!" Cindy gasped. "Jesus!"

"I was there." Alice told them. "In the past."

"You're okay." Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I saw the... the killers." Alice spluttered. "They killed so many and you're next. You're fucking next!"

"No, no, no, no Alice. That's not true. We're right here." Cindy told her.

"The witch did this." Alice said. "She did all of this. She put a curse on Shadyside. Mary was right."

"I know!" Cindy sighed. "The cave was alive. Tylenol can't do that."

Alice started laughing, then yelled in pain.

"You were right, by the way." Cindy said to Alice as she grabbed medical stuff out of her bag. "I am a snitch. The day after we stole Mr Evans' JVC player, Harold Hines saw me with it."

"Fucking Harold Hines." Alice then let out a scream as Cindy popped her bone back into place.

"Next thing I know, I'm in the principal's office, and my dad can't come in because he just ran off with some girl not much older than I am now, and my mom, well, she was having a few drinks at O'Connell's. And I knew then... I wasn't different from the other Shadysiders. I was cursed.

"I told myself if I was perfect, if I did everything right, I could beat it. I snitched on you guys, I got new friends, I... started dressing like this." Cindy then looked over at Y/N with tears in her eyes. "I lied to myself about who I was. I dated sweet Tommy."

"I avoided you, but I couldn't avoid Ziggy. Because she was always there, reminding me of the truth. That this town, this place, was cursed. And so were we. Now I know. She was right... all this time."

Alice let out a short scream as Cindy tied the stuff around her leg tightly.

"I've been a bad sister. I've been a bad friend. I should've just... skipped class, partied, had sex, had fun."

"I hate to break it to you, but the fun... it's not any more real than your polo shirt." Alice sat up a little bit more and started fiddling with the bracelets on her wrists, Y/N knew well enough what Alice meant. "There's a reason I wear these. And it's not just because they're awesome." Alice then showed Cindy her wrists and sighed shakily. "We all have our ways to deal with Shadyside."

Something behind Alice's head then caught Cindy's eye.

"What? What is it?" Alice asked hesitantly and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as Cindy leaned forward, picking some of the moss off the wall.

"This." She replied. "This moss, it stained my shirt. The outhouse! This stuff is all over the outhouse."

"Oh my god." Y/N realised what Cindy was getting at.

"Camp." Cindy nodded. "It means we're close."


"Everyone, listen up! The game is over!" Nick yelled as he walked around, trying to find kore campers. "Get back to the Mess Hall or I'll dock you a victory point!"

Two Sunnyvale campers appeared from behind the trees.

"Claire, Freddy, Jesus." Nick sighed in relief. "Get to the Mess Hall! Come on! Go! Everyone! The game is over! Get back to the mess hall!"

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now