27. sinners

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y/n's pov

I woke up the next morning and felt rather relieved when I realised my parents had no clue about the night before. So, I went on with my usual chores. I swept the floors, scrubbed the table, fed the chickens.

But just as I went to go clean the dishes from after breakfast, I realised something was wrong. The oatmeal my mother had made only an hour earlier had already rotted. It was coated in mould and had flies buzzing around it.

I looked at the bowl of apples on the table to see they were rotted too.

"Mother?" I called out. No reply. "Mother?"

I sighed and made my way into town to get fresh apples.

I walked out the front gate and Isaac ran over from outside his own house.

"My beautiful Y/N." He smiled. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Isaac. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I just wanted to see you."

"Well, that's lovely, but I have to go get some more apples. It seems the ones in the bowl we had at home all rotted completely overnight."

As we walked, I noticed almost everyone in the entire town had a problem of their own. Horses jumping and running around, dead plants, the well was caught on something, and everyone walking around seemed worried, almost lost.

Once I bought the apples, I turned to walk home with Isaac, but Abigail called my name.

"You go on, Isaac." I handed him one of the apples. "I'm going to talk to Abi."

Isaac looked over at Abi then me with a nod.

"I'll see you later, my beautiful Y/N."

He started walking off and I approached my best friend.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They're saying the bucket's caught on something." Abi replied. "We don't know what it is though."

"The dark one has come to harvest the bitter fruit of evil we have sown." Mad Thomas exclaimed as he stood in front of the well. "To feast on our misdeeds."

"What do you see in him, Abi?" I muttered and she shook her head in reply.

"And yet you all smile, blind to the horrors around us. But you see it now, don't you?" Thomas walked up to a woman. "He blocks our well, clogs it with our sin. He takes our water. He takes our life blood!"

"What's happened?" Sarah walked up to Abi and I. "What's going on here?"

"The bucket's stuck." I told her. "It's caught on something."

"It rises!" One of the men exclaimed as the bucket began to move.

"It's coming!"

"It rises!" Mad Thomas ran towards the well.

"Dead dog in the well!" Someone exclaimed and a woman screamed.

"Get it out!"

"Our water! It's poisoned!" The woman shouted and the crowd gasped.

"See? You have already drunk from the cup of darkness." Thomas spoke.

I caught a glimpse of the dog and gasped, placing a hand on Sarah's shoulder.

"Merryboy..." She gasped.

"This is the work of the Devil! He has come to stake our land." Mad Thomas looked around the crowd. "Who among you has welcomed the Devil to Union? Whose lust? Whose sin? Oh, foolish Union." Thomas kept on going. "The Devil has come and cast his darkness over us. And his darkness grows within each of us like a rot." Mad Thomas chuckled.

"Ugh, he's so gross." I whispered to Sarah, but she didn't reply. She simply stared at the well with a look of worry. "Sarah?"

She looked over at me.

"You don't need to worry. They call him Mad Thomas for a reason."

Sarah's eyes glazed with tears.

"But what if he's right? What if... someone welcomed the Devil here? What if it was me?"

"You haven't-"

"But I have!"

I paused and looked at Sarah, confused.

"Sarah? What do you mean?"

She looked around before gesturing me to follow her.

"Is anyone at your home?"

"I don't think so."


We made it inside and we went up to my bedroom.

"I can trust you, right?" Sarah looked at me with a pleading look.

"Of course, Sarah."

She then explained to me what happened with her and Hannah after last night's events with Caleb. She told me about the kissing, the figure and her theory.

"I don't think you could've-"

There was a creak of a floorboard near my door and I turned to see my father walking into the room.


"Mr L/N."

"Sarah, get out." He spoke gruffly.

"What?" I looked from my father to Sarah. "Father, you can't do that!"

"Get out."

Sarah got to her feet and ran out the room and downstairs. My father turned to me.

"I don't want to see Sarah Fier in this house ever again." He snapped.


"Do you understand?"



"Yes. Yes, father."


I definitely wanted to run away after that moment.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now