19. the witch's house

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"Alice!" Cindy called out as she followed the other three councillors through the forest. "Y/N! Alice! Come on, it's disgusting in here!"

"We're close, Berman, hang in there!" Alice called back before turning to her boyfriend. "This was the best idea."

"Yeah, but I still don't feel shit."

"Okay, so, take more."

"But not too many, Arnie." Y/N pointed at him before walking ahead, flashlight in hand.

"Thank you."

"Arnie!" Alice called out a moment later. She was ahead of the boy, but behind Y/N.

"Wait up!"

"Alice!" Cindy's voice yelled.

Y/N sighed and looked backwards for a moment as she walked before she suddenly fell.

"AHH!" She let out a short scream as she tripped.


She groaned a little before sitting up. Y/N then realised she was in a rectangular hole in the ground.

"Y/N?" She looked up to see Alice, who helped pull her out and back up to the ground.

"Watch your step." Y/N said to Alice and Arnie as she rubbed her head.

Cindy and Tommy then came running over.

Cindy paused and examined the hole as Tommy spoke up.

"Is someone digging a grave?"

"Graves." Alice corrected him, moving her flashlight to reveal multiple other holes that the others hadn't noticed.

"Mary." Tommy muttered and Y/N immediately picked the notebook up off the ground and began flipping the pages to the map before handing it to Tommy. "The X's, look. Look, here." Tommy pointed at the bottom of the map. "She was marking where she dug."

"But without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm." Alice flipped the page and read out loud. "And the curse will land until body and hand unite."

"Maybe Mary was looking for the hand," Tommy flipped through the pages. "to end the curse?"

"That made her daughter lose her mind." Y/N agreed.

"Guys, come on." Cindy looked between Tommy, Alice and Y/N with a disappointed look. "This is silly."

"Yeah. I gotta piss." Arnie walked off.

"Hey, let me see that." Alice tried to take the notebook from Tommy but Cindy snatched it out of his hands.

She turned to Alice. "You can have it," She started. "but first give me the drugs."

"Why?!" Alice protested.

"If Nurse Mary took them and went crazy, those drugs are very dangerous." Cindy told her.

"Oh my god!" Alice laughed. "What happened to you? Remember when we used to have fun? Before you became a snitch?"

"Just let it go already." Cindy sighed.

"That's easy for you to say," Alice scoffed. "you lying fucking Brutus."

"I found it!" Arnie's voice rang out.

The four turned around to face the long haired boy.

"I found the witch's house." He grinned.

Alice and Arnie both immediately ran off with the others not far behind them.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now