02. the game

649 19 35

y/n's pov

"Out of respect for last night's tragic events, Sunnyvale will host a candlelight vigil for the victims. All player, cheer and band attendance is mandatory." The Principal announced and students started complaining.

"Seriously!?" A guy yelled.

Kate and I looked over at Deena, who put her hand into a finger gun and pulled the trigger.

"Someone's excited." I muttered to Kate, who snickered.


I sat on the bus next to Kate, adjusting my cheer uniform.

"I hate this dress. Why did you make me join cheer?" I complained, pulling on the skirt.

"I didn't want to be lonely, plus I didn't make you." She replied while spraying her ponytail with mass amounts of hairspray.

"The life of the party has arrived!"

Both Kate and I turned to the front door of the bus to see Simon dressed up as a witch, green makeup and all. A few people laughed but he flipped them off before sitting down on the seat next to Kate and I.

"Hello ladies." He grinned.

"Oh. My. God." I laughed. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"Well, you needed a mascot and I needed an excuse to come with you guys. I didn't want to be left out."

"Uh huh."

Deena then walked onto the bus in the horrendous band uniform, looking not very happy.

"Didn't you quit?" One of the football players asked and Deena rolled her eyes. Simon then growled at her like the weirdo he was and she went all the way to the back of the bus with Sam's box.

"Did you just growl?" Kate asked Simon.

He shrugged and laughed.

"I don't understand how you could date him." Kate said to me and Simon scowled.

"Leave him alone, Kate." I laughed.

"And it's because I'm so incredibly sexy and hot." He stated, adjusting his witches hat.

"Sure, sure."


"This is not how I wanted to be here tonight. I wanted to be here as a fan. Our Sunnyvale Devils and your Shadyside Witches throwing down some good old American football." Mayor Will Goode spoke to everyone in the crowd. "Instead I find myself here as a husband, a father, as a neighbour- and yes, mayor of Sunnyvale. And I can say on behalf of all of my town, all of Sunnyvale mourns with you."

Kate scoffed and said to Deena and I. "Yeah, it looks like they really give a damn. The only Sunnyvalers who came were the ones who had to. The football team and the cheerleaders."

I looked over at Deena who was staring at something behind me before walking away from the ceremony.

"Our hearts are broken with grief."

I turned around to see Sam in the arms of one of the Sunnyvale football players and he was being very touchy. Sam looked towards Kate and I, making eye contact for a moment before following Deena.

The lights were then turned off and Sheriff Goode stood up to give his speech.

"My family's been in Sunnyvale for generations, and now my brother is mayor and I your Sheriff." He spoke. "We've prospered here, and yet, I've seen you, our neighbours in Shadyside, suffer tragedy after tragedy.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now