18. the infirmary

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Kurt played a song over the loudspeakers as all the councelors prepared the campers for colour war. He waved around Sunnyvale's red flag and gave it to a camper, telling them not to let anyone take it.

Shadyside campers were all huddled around Tommy and Danny, who were explaining how the game was going to go.

"Alright, alright, alright. Now remember, keep at least three defenders by this all the time. And who's the jailer?" Tommy asked and a short boy with light hair and glasses raised his hand. "Okay, Jeremy, you might be the most important player in the, uh... in the..."

As Tommy leaned down on the blue Shadyside flag, he lost focus and felt dazed.

"Tommy?" Danny waved a hand in front of his friend's face. "You good, dude?"

"Tommy?" He turned around to see Cindy looking up at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you okay, Mr. Slater?" Jeremy asked the councillor.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm good. Um..." He held up the blue Shadyside flag. "Why don't you guys get started? Plant the flag and I'll be right behind you. Okay? Let's go, Shadyside! Come on!"

The campers then started chanting "Shadyside, Shadyside!" and started running off.

"Oh man." Tommy lifted his right hand to the back of his head. "My head is throbbing. She must've got me pretty good. Mary's stronger than she looks."

"Do you need to lie down?" Cindy asked cautiously.

"No. No, I'm alright. I'm alright."

"That's good. I'm going to go find Joan and Gary." Danny patted Tommy's shoulder and ran off.

"See you later!" Tommy called out to his friend.

"Anyway, Tommy. I need your help," Cindy smiled. "and the key to the infirmary."


Y/N followed Alice and Arnie to the infirmary with a sigh. She was convinced to go with them to be their lookout so they wouldn't get yelled at by Kurt, as usual. When the three of them made it to the infirmary, the padlocked door was already open.

"Well, that's helpful." Alice whispered with a grin.

Arnie stuck his head into the building before turning back to the two girls.

"I saw Tommy in there with someone else, probably Berman." He spoke and Alice looked over at Y/N, who avoided eye contact.

"Let's go anyway." Alice entered the building with Arnie behind her and the two quickly made their way to the back of the building.

"For fucks sake." Y/N swore under her breath before following her friends.

"Did you find anything good yet, Arnie?" Alice whispered and the boy shook his head.

"Nope. I swear she hid—" Arnie tripped, knocking down a lamp. "Shit!"

They quickly moved to the sides of the doorway as the floorboards in the hallway creaked.

"Hello? Is somebody in there?" Tommy's voice called out and Alice brought a finger to her lips with a grin on her face.

Tommy walked in and Alice jumped.

"AAGH!" She yelled and Tommy flinched.

"Jeez!" He sighed in relief when he saw Alice, who was laughing her ass off. "Come on, that's not funny."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now