13. c. berman

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this is number 69 in the fear street tag

y/n's pov

"Deena, we really shouldn't be about to break in to someone's house!" I hissed as Josh and I followed her to a window.

"Well, this is important."

Deena slid open the door and started to climb in before she was thrown to the floor.

"DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" A woman's voice yelled.

"WAIT! WAIT!" Deena exclaimed. "STOP, PLEASE! PLEASE! We called you!"

I looked through the window to see a woman holding a knife as Deena lay on the floor, trying to use her arm as some protection.

The woman looked from Deena to Josh and I at the window. She gasped and lowered the knife.

"Why the hell would you come here?!"

We took her out to the front yard and Deena opened the trunk of her car to show her the tied-up possessed Sam.

"No! No, no, no!" Berman exclaimed. "You need to leave! Right now! You have no idea what you are doing!"

"Wait!" Deena stopped her from going back inside. "Yeah, exactly. You are the only person who knows what we're dealing with."

"I don't want that thing near me! Get that car and it off my property!"

"Her name is Sam! You could've watched us dead on the six o'clock news, but you didn't."

I looked down at my shoes.

"You called us back."

"I can't help you with this!"

"You are our last chance! The witch-"

"No, I'm sorry." The woman tried to push past Deena.

"My girlfriend is possessed by her and tied up in a trunk, but you... you saw her and you survived." Deena said to her. "What was different? Please. Maybe, something happened to you, something that can help us stop her."

"There's not!" The woman exclaimed. "You can't stop her. Run, far as you can, fast as you can! That is your only chance." She pushed past Deena.

"Look, I can't just run!"

The woman stopped.

"Look, Sam! I can't let her die. I won't! I love her. Please!"

The woman thought about it for a moment.

"Just keep her away from Major Tom." She then stormed back into the house.


We managed to get Sam out of the trunk and into the house, then tied her up in the bathroom. We walked into the living room where C. Berman was.

"It's completely fine." Josh forced a smile. "She's tied up in the bathroom, so she, like, totally can't leave now, we're cool."

An extremely loud growl came from Sam in the bathroom.

"Yep, cool. Cool, cool."

C. Berman sat down on her chair, holding a book.

"Take a seat."

Deena, Josh and I all sit on the floor in front of her.

"In Shadyside, the past is never really past." She spoke, opening the book. She flipped through a few pages and took out a photo. "This was July 12th. The summer of 1978. The first day of camp."

The threw the photo down on the floor in front of us. I leaned forward to see two girls standing in front of a camp sign.

"A week later, my sister was dead."

and that's the end of 1994

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now