03. the crash

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y/n's pov

"Y/N! Wait up!" Simon called out. I stopped for a moment to see him slowly climb down from the back of the bus and jog up to me, Kate not far behind him.

"We should just leave it." Kate said. "I mean, we really need to leave, we could get in major trouble for this!"

"I think we're kinda already in trouble." Simon stated.

"Fine." Sighed Kate and the three of us ran after Deena.

They ran into the forest and found Deena kneeling next to Sam, who was on the mossy ground.

"Holy shit." Simon crouched next to Sam.

"We shouldn't be down here, we need to leave- like ten minutes ago." Kate complained.

"Help me carry her!"

"We need to clear her airway-" Simon lifted his hand to touch Sam's face but Deena swatted it away.

"Hey, chill out. I got this." He said to Deena and then turned back to Sam. "I got this."

Kate scoffed from beside me.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Th-Three." Sam stuttered in almost a whisper.

"See, she's fine." Simon grinned, looking proud of himself. Immediately after he said that, Sam spat out blood all over his shirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled, jumping up.

"That's disgusting." I took a few steps away from both Sam and Simon.


"What's your name?" Sheriff Goode asked me.

"Y/N L/N."

"Alright, Y/N. Can you please tell me what exactly happened here?"

"Well the car crashed into the trees. It hit a rock." I stated the obvious.

"I can see that. How did it happen?"

"Well, it was driving, and then it wasn't."

"The bus driver said the back door was opened just before the crash."

I shrugged.

"He also said you were back there with Miss Johnson, Miss Schmidt and the boy."

I snickered when he said 'the boy'. Simon had called him a pig, Goode didn't even have time to ask for his name.

"Something funny, Miss L/N?"

"Uh, no, Sheriff." I paused. "Can I go now? I don't know what I can tell you, why don't you ask one of the others?"

He waved me away and I walked over to Simon and Kate.

"Can we go home now?" Kate asked with a whine.

"I don't know. Probably."


Simon stood behind me as I unlocked the front door to my house.

"Please don't wake up my sister, Si. You know she's more annoying when she doesn't get enough sleep." I whispered to him as we walked upstairs. "Plus she'll snitch."

"Yeah, yeah."

We walked down the hallway and I turned the light in the bathroom on.

"Come on. We've got to get that makeup off your beautiful face." I told him and he grinned at me.

"I know I'm beautiful." He teased. "You don't need to tell me."

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile before starting to wipe off the green face paint. The two of us sat on the edge of the bathtub. It was silent, apart from the occasional insult to Nick Goode from Simon.

"Anddd finished." I smiled, dropping the last wipe into the bin. Simon immediately pulled me into a kiss.


We kissed again before Simon stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up with him.

"I'm tired." He whined as he pulled me out of the bathroom and towards my bedroom. He opened the door and flopped onto my bed.

"Get off my bed and take that disgusting shirt off, Simon." I walked over to the drawer that had some of Simon's clothes. I tossed him a shirt and some sweatpants. "I don't want Sam's blood on my bed."

"Fine..." He pulled the bloody shirt over his head and dumped it on the floor. He changed out of his jeans and into the clean clothes and then collapsed onto my bed again. "Goodnight."

I chuckled quietly and grabbed my own clothes to wear to bed. By the time I finished changing, Simon was fast asleep and snoring. I smiled and lied down on the bed next to him, pulling the blanket on top of myself and Simon before wrapping my arms around him and slowly falling asleep.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now