05. blueberries and bananas

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y/n's pov

"Hey, slow down, Loverboy!" Simon put his hands on Josh's shoulders as we walked in the Hospital's car park.

We walked in the door and Deena walked up to the front desk and rang the bell twice. The lady pushed a clipboard towards Deena and told her to fill out a sheet.

"I'm just visiting." Deena pushed the clipboard back.

"Visiting hours end at 9." The lady said while filing her nails. Kate sighed and walked up to the desk.

"Tell Nurse Beddy she has a patient."

A few moments later Beddy came down the hall and into the waiting room.

"Beddy, long time no see." Kate smiled.

"Hey Beddy." I waved.

"I see you're still toting around with this moron." Beddy nodded at Simon.

"They can't quit me, Beddy." Simon spread his arms out. "I'm- I'm too pretty!"

"Way too pretty." I agreed and Simon grinned at me.

"We need your assistance." Kate told them.

"Sure you do, but there's a new security protocol. We've been running low on blueberries and bananas so now I need a special key to-" Beddy started explaining to Kate but Deena cut them off.

"I need to see a patient."


"Samantha Fraser."

Beddy waved Deena in their direction and started walking back down the hallway.

"Blueberries and Bananas?" Josh questioned Kate.

"Vicodin and Percocet." Kate then looked over at Simon and I. "Do you want anything from the machine? I'm starving." 

The three of us started walking towards the vending machine down the hall, Josh trailing behind us. Once we got to the machine, Kate searched her pockets but found nothing.

"Yo, Si-Money, cash me." She put her hand out to Simon, who started pulling his pockets inside-out.

"Don't look at me, dude. I'm- I'm broke."

"Same." I said before Kate could ask me.

She then turned to Josh. "You got any change?"

"Uh..." Josh searched through almost every pocket in his clothing. "No, but uh-"

He walked up to the machine and typed a code into the machine, causing all of the different snacks to fall out. Josh then leaned against the machine. "What do you want?" He said, sounding rather proudly as Simon, Kate and I looked at the vending machine bewildered.

"Woah." Simon muttered under his breath before crouching down. I grabbed several candy bars and Simon took a box of junior mints.

"How'd you learn to do that?" Kate asked, opening a bar of chocolate.

"Oh, a lot of people trade hacks online." Josh answered and Simon smirked.


"Nerd." He said, covering it with a fake cough. I lightly hit him on the back of the head and Simon frowned.

"That's awesome, Josh. Really." I finished, glancing at Simon.

There was an awkward silence.

"So uh... when did you guys get into the... the fruit business?" Josh asked awkwardly.

"What?" Kate was puzzled.

"The uh... the drugs."

"Oh. That's just temporary." Kate smiled awkwardly. Simon nodded in agreement, running a hand through his hair. "Saving up to get out of here."

"Take me with you." Josh said under his breath but loud enough for us to hear.

Simon grinned before mimicking a bomb with his hand. Just as the 'bomb' landed and he made the explosion sound a scream was heard, causing us to turn around.

Deena and Sam came bolting down the hallway yelling at us to run.

"Did they get back together?"

"They were holding hands-" I was cut off by Kate screaming. The guy in the skeleton costume came around the corner and was chasing Deena and Sam with a knife.

"Holy shit." Simon grabbed onto my hand and started sprinting down the hallway. The four of us kept on running until we reached the front door.

"Shit shit shit." Simon kept on repeating. "The keys, where are the keys? Do you have the keys?" He frantically searched his pockets with one hand while gripping mine tightly with the other.

"I don't-"

"The ambulance!" Kate pointed at an ambulance that was park right outside the door.

We managed to get in. Kate in the front and the rest of us in the back. I heard a scream and immediately opened the back doors.

"Y/N, what are you-" Josh was cut off when he saw Sam and Deena running away from skull mask.

"GUYS QUICKLY!" I yelled.


Skull mask had fallen over and Deena stood there, staring at him.



Sam grabbed Deena's hand and pulled her over into the ambulance as skull mask stood up.

"What the hell happened?" Kate asked once the doors were closed and we were driving.

"We need to get to the police station." Deena stated. "Right now."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now