26. the fruits of the land

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y/n's pov

I sat in my bedroom, staring out the window with a frown. I couldn't get what my parents— especially my father —had said out of my head.

Honestly, it was insulting. Telling me that I couldn't ever marry Isaac and he "wasn't good enough." They said I should stay away from him just for that reason.

Well, I don't care what they said.

I watched as Isaac's window lit up and he waved to me from it.

I really didn't care what they said.

I crept through the house and carefully slipped outside where Isaac was waiting.

"You look beautiful, darling." He smiled his beautiful smile. "Shall we?"

"We shall, but first we should go get Abi."

"Of course."

We quietly and quickly made our way to the Berman residence where Abi was just leaving.

"Well, hello there." She whispered with a grin.

"Come on!" I grabbed her by the wrist and the three of us snuck into the woods.

We soon arrived at a small bonfire where the other teenagers of Union were all dancing around and drinking.

Isaac went and sat beside the fire, lifted up a bottle of Applejack and raised an eyebrow. I quickly sat beside him before looking over at Abigail.

"I suppose we should have some fun while we wait." Abi grinned and sat beside me.

We passed the bottle between us a few times before we heard a short, high pitched scream. We turned around to see Lizzie. She held out her hand to reveal a small pile of berries and grinned.

"A full moon rises."

We huddled around in a circle. Lizzie took a berry first, then Isaac, me and Abi. Sarah and Hannah both seemed a little hesitant at first.

"To the fruits of the land." Hannah spoke, looking at Sarah.

The two of them then popped the berries into their mouths.

I looked over at Isaac but everything was starting to blur.

"Hello." He smiled.


He then looked down at the dirt and laughed to himself before just staring. I stared at Isaac before he looked up at me.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked, putting out his hand.

I took his hand and we began spinning around together without a care in the world.

"You jealous, Sarah Fier?" Caleb's voice seemed to echo around us. "You want a kiss too? You know, maybe if you weren't such a frigid bitch-"

Sarah then slapped Caleb in the face, causing multiple people to gasp.

"There's your kiss." Sarah said with a disgusted look on her face. "And if you're still so eager, I'm sure there's a mule tied up who will overlook your flaws in the dark." She gestured to his...

Lizzie, Abi, Isaac and I all started laughing and soon the entire party was laughing.

Sarah and Hannah ran off and I turned to find Isaac but instead was met with Abigail.

"Y/N!" She grinned, grabbing my hand. "Let's dance!"

I smiled back and we began spinning each other around as we danced.

I then tripped, causing the two of us to stumble to the ground. My face and Abi's face were only inches apart. Abi then set off into a fit of giggles, causing me to laugh too.

"Excuse me, ladies." Isaac approached us. "But I'm going to have to steal Y/N." He helped me to my feet. "My beautiful beautiful, Y/N."

We started dancing again but it was more a mix of spinning and tripping over each other's feet.

"We should get married."

I looked up at Isaac with furrowed eyebrows.


"We should. Then we can be together always."

That's when I told him. I told him exactly what my parents told me and he frowned.

"We'll run away then. Leave Union, find somewhere else. Somewhere where no one else will find us. And we'll get married and have our own family."

I smiled before cupping Isaac's face and kissing him.

"You're amazing." I told him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," He muttered before kissing me again. "My beautiful Y/N."

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now