31. the mall

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y/n's pov

I sat on the side of Ziggy's bathroom sink as we watched over Sam, who was thrashing and growling on the floor.

Ziggy and I had been keeping conversation by me telling her stuff about Kate and Simon, and she told me stories about Cindy and my aunt.

"God, she gives me the creeps." Ziggy shuddered as Sam tried to jump at her when she walked back into the room. "Sorry, I just made a phone call."

I nodded and looked back down at Sam. "It's so weird to see her like this, or really, to see her at all."

"Why's that?"

"She used to live here, but now she lives in Sunnyvale with her bitchy mom."

Sam then jumped at Ziggy's leg, trying to bite it.

"Oh, that's it." Ziggy left the room and came back in a moment later with the kitchen knife from earlier. "They better hurry up or I'm going to stab her, I swear."

"I'm sure they'll be back soon."

"It's not going to work." Ziggy muttered. "It won't."

She then spun around to see Deena and Josh. I slid off the bathroom counter and walked over to them.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Ziggy exclaimed. "Look at her! I told you it wouldn't work! There's no ending it."

I took one look at Ziggy and Josh's expressions and knew something was up.

"What happened?"

"We need to talk." Deena said to Ziggy.


"Holy fucking shit." I looked from Deena to Ziggy, who fell to her knees and looked as if she were about to cry.

"This is how we save Sam." Deena explained. "How we save Shadyside. We can't kill the Devil. So... We have to kill him. We need to kill Nick Goode."

"But I called him..." Ziggy gasped. "I thought... I thought he could help."

Deena's eyes widened. "Shit."

She then ran off to the bathroom and I followed quickly.

"We need to go. Now!" She said to Josh. Deena kneeled down and untied Sam, who immediately climbed on top of her. As the two struggled Ziggy came in and knocked Sam out.

"I wanted to do that all day."


I sat in the back of the police car with Ziggy as Deena drove.

"Should be up here on the right." Josh said to Deena.

"Wait, are we sure about this?" Ziggy leaned closer to the siblings.

As we pulled up to the house, I recognised the man sitting outside.

"Hey!" Josh leaned out the window.

"Urkel?" Martin lowered his arms.

"Yeah!" He looked over at Deena before turning to face Martin again. "Um... Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?"

Martin paused for a minute before speaking.

"Let me get my coat."

He went inside and came out wearing a second jacket. He then climbed into the back of the car, beside me, with a grin on his face.

"Y/N? What crazy shit are you up to now?"

"Hey, Martin."


"As the mall's lead custodial engineer, I ensure that all retail establishments come equipped with the StoreSafe 250." Martin explained as he showed us the gate to Gadzooks. "This is the Cadillac of store gates. Now, the 250 prevents your standard smash-and-grab, graffiti, all while complying with the 70% visibility ordinance. Best part..." He unlocked the gate and lifted it up. "Easy to operate."

"And we can rig them for quick release?"

"Little grease and these things go down faster than a Sunnyvale cheerleader." He looked over at Ziggy with a smirk.

I let out a snort at this comment as Ziggy rolled her eyes.

"So, Deena is the target now, so the killers will go after Deena's blood just like they did with Sam. And then we use that to lure them into the stores, and then..."

Martin lowered the gate. "Welcome to the clink, motherfucker."

"The killers will be locked up, then it's just us versus Goode." Josh finished.

"Okay, sure, awesome, but then what?" Deena asked. "Like how do we take out Goode?"

"Are- Are y'all serious about this?"

"Once they're down, how quickly can we get the gates back open?" Ziggy asked.

"Well, that depends, but..."

"Why would we want to do that?" Deena cut off Martin.

"We'll Carrie him."


Josh was pretending to shoot the water gun in his hands as I grabbed more off the shelf. Then a loud fart noise went off.

"Seriously?" Josh asked as Martin laughed. I stood up, holding four more water guns in my arms.

"Look at this dumbass thing." Martin picks up the box of a Discman. "It's bigger than a tape deck. If you want to hear more than one album, you gotta carry all that too. Plus it skips if you breathe on it."

"Then listen to the radio, dude." Josh said, sounding annoyed. "We have a situation here."

"Yeah, about that, guys. Um... What's really going on here?"

"You show him. I'm taking these out there." I nodded towards the tree before turning around.

I made it over to the food court, right beside the tree, and stopped. It was weird to think that this spot in the mall where I had been a hundred times, was the place where my aunt and her friends died.

Ziggy walked up beside me, holding blue lights in boxes in her arms and not taking her eyes off the tree. I could imagine what she was thinking of, what she was remembering.

Ziggy then gasps and I look to my side to see Deena.

"This is it." She said.

"Yep." Ziggy took another look at Deena before walking off. I then started following her so I could put down the water guns.

This was really about to happen.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now